Factime Call with Shelia Berman

During my group’s first fieldwork we had a facetime interview with a woman named Sheila Berman. Sheila Berman is a lawyer and activist that works in human trafficking rights in the USA and all around the world. She goes around the world to teach judges, lawyers, policemen and more about the human trafficking and what they can do to prevent human trafficking. During the discussion my group had with her we talked about why human trafficking is such a big issue today. Although my group is focusing on sexual trafficking we also talked about the human trafficking of labor workers as well. One of the things that Sheila said that stuck with me is that a lot of the time in court cases that revolve sexual trafficking, the girls get blamed because the judge rules it as prostitution, which makes it illegal. One question that I now have is: If men and boys get sexually trafficked. We also learned that Sheila travels all over the world to inform people of sexual trafficking and human trafficking. I also remember what she said about the victims telling their stories. She said that when she is talking to one of clients she never asks too many questions about what happens or makes them relive what happened. Sheila says she is there to help not to have the victim go back through the event. Overall, I think this was a good start to the fieldworks but in future fieldworks I hope to go to more hands on organizations and I hope my group and I get to experience more different types of jobs.


Hi, my name is Acadia and i'm in the sexual trafficking group. I chose this group because this affects all of the young girls in the world no matter where they are from. We all need to work together to fight this problem of physical and mental abuse. 

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