Lecture from Jodie Patterson on Transgender Equality, 11/22/16:

On Tuesday, November 22, we went to the cafeteria in the middle school to observe a talk hosted by a mother of 5, Jodie Patterson. She is a transgender ally and speaks at many events and places like she did at LREI. She gives advice to people going through the same things, and is happy to recount her story to anyone willing to listen. She talked about one of her kids, who is transgender. She talked about her and her family’s experience with her transgender son. Jodie also showed us a video that was made to show her family and their everyday life with her kids. Especially her son, now her daughter, Penelope. Jodie told us about her first time hearing that Penelope is a boy, she said, “I said to him, ‘however you feel is fine. You know that.’ But Penelope said, ‘I don’t feel like a boy, I am a boy.’” She didn’t quite understand at first, but then she realized that he is who he is. When said that, it was, and always will be true. Jodie also told us about his life at school, and in the world around them. He is out as transgender at school, and the kids there are really understanding. They say that they’ve always known him as a boy, and just knows Penelope for who he is. Mainly, everyone is comfortable with who he is, they’re lucky for Penelope to be going to such an understanding school, that doesn’t happen for everybody. She also took many questions from the audience which were all parents and faculty members from the school. Jodie is a huge ally from all transgender people, and has learned a lot from her son Penelope. She supports him no matter what, and shares her experience with a lot of people. She is scared though for puberty, because of what it might include for her son; taking hormones. But she said that whatever he wants to do is fine with her; if he does or doesn’t want to take hormones. But for now she just is really enjoying her time with her son. Jodie also explained that her other children are really protective over Penelope. Also, that her husband didn’t really understand at first, but then he and Jodie started to take the time to. She was really inspiring and gave us some organizations that might help us out with future fieldwork. Jodie was really nice and I learned a lot about being supportive for other people, especially if they’re your loved ones. 


Jodie Patterson with her kids.


Her transgender son Penelope.

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