Interview With Keli Goff, 11/28/16

On Monday 28th, 2016, my group and I were able to interview a woman named Keli Goff. We had this interview at 1:00 and we were able to have it at LREI. Keli Goff is an American journalist, playwright, and screenwriter. Currently, Keli Goff is making a documentary about women’s rights. Not only that, but as a writer, she covers politics, women’s issues, and more.

This was our first interview fieldwork. I was very excited for this interview, but I was also still a bit nervous because we have never done an interview over the phone before. It felt very different not being able to see the person that we talked to, but I still believe that it was definitely a good thing to experience. During this fieldwork, my group and I had also heard a lot about opinions and what our community/people in our country think about women’s reproductive rights and how controversial it is. We also learned a lot of different information that we believe is very important to our topic.
During this interview, my group and I learned a lot about women’s reproductive rights from a political view. We asked Keli many questions about the connection between the election and women’s reproductive rights. One question that we asked was what do you believe is at stake now that Donald Trump is our president? She responded and said lots of information that is very useful for our social justice project. She said who Trump appoints to court is one of the main things that we should focus on and that is because he is looking to get a new justice that is a pro-life supporter, not pro-choice. She explained to us how this is important for our topic. If we get a pro-choice justice and the Roe V. Wade case gets overturned, then women all over the world can get impacted in negative ways. My group and I now are keeping this in mind because it is a subject that is currently happening and it is a great opportunity for us to protest for women’s reproductive rights.
Keli Goff was someone who experienced spending time with not just pro-life supporters, but pro-choice supporters as well. Because of that, we decided to ask her what she thinks each side believes and she said a lot of interesting and important details. She said that she believed that pro-life supporters think that the government has no right to legalize what is harm to a potential life. In other words, the government should not be allowed to say what can or cannot harm a future life. For pro-choice supporters, she said that they usually believe that any choice a woman makes regarding her body is a right that no government has to control or dictate. My group and I believe that women should have the right to control their body and not allow the government to tell them that it is illegal to have an abortion. After we talked about the contrast between Pro-choice and Pro-life supporters, she reminded us that people usually think of both of them in the wrong way. She said that the greatest misconception for pro-choice supporters are that they have no heart, but that isn’t true because sometimes they don’t have enough resources to have a child and so much more. On the other hand, the greatest misconception for pro-life is that they have no life and that is also not true because they just believe that it is wrong to get rid of a possible life that could live on our earth.
Interviewing Keli Goff left me and my group with a lot of information that we are eager to dig into. I’m very intrigued to see what will happen to the Roe V. Wade case and I think that my social justice group really want to focus on Donald Trump and his ideas on women’s reproductive rights. As a new fieldwork, my group and I had thought about going and protesting against Trump and the fight for women’s rights. My group and I now want to show people what a true pro-life and pro-choice supporter looks likes as well. I think that now, we have good information that we can let others know about for our social justice teach in. If it wasn’t for this interview, I don’t think that we would be as informed as we are right now. Keli was a great source and she was amazing to work with. We had a great time interviewing her and we can’t wait to add on to our information.

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This is a picture of Keli Goff. She is the woman we had the opportunity to interview. This image is from

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