This is a picture of Saadiq Bey. He is a worker for the Vera Institute and his main job is making sure that children in prison have a family like outlet because he feels that it is very important in rehabilitation
On my field work visit my partner, Caleb, and I met with Saadiq Bey about his work. We interviewed him and it went very well because we gained a lot of information about the Justice system and how it works for and against certain people. We asked him a lot of questions such as: “While doing some research on the work that the Vera Institute is doing, I saw a lot of talk about reducing the use of jails. How does the Vera Institute plan to do this? What crimes would still put you in jail?” He answered by saying:
“A lot of the work people are doing is being able to decrease the work of putting youths in jails. One of the things that we found was that a lot of small counties were using jails to punish kids for status offense which is not legal. Some of the work that we are doing is partnering with small counties to use to transfer to a more community base model. Rather than take a youth out of their home, give them services close to home.” Because it was our first field work, we were both very nervous, especially being a group of two. We also were moving around a lot because the room we were going to interview him in was taken. We ended up interviewing him in the cafeteria. Even though it was kind of loud, we managed. He was very calm during the interview, which gave us a little bit of a sense of who he was and we were able to be calm as well. The interview went on for about half an hour and we did really well in my opinion. I feel like this was not only a great field work, but also a great first visit. I feel this way because it kind of pushed Caleb and I forward in our project and it got our gears moving.