For our first fieldwork, we met with Nicole Epps and Tessa Chemist from the World Childhood Foundation. Their organization focuses on preventing sexual abuse towards children. They were very friendly and gave us bracelets to raise awareness for their subject. Because their organization is still developing, we discussed different possibilities of helping them expand their organization with children. We discussed different ways to get children involved in raising awareness about child abuse. Their organization takes in reports and distributes the cases out into different organizations. They don’t deal with the children directly, but they collect money and redirect children to different services supporting child abuse. They introduced us to an app they created called “Stewards of Children Prevention Toolkit.” This app educates us about child abuse, and teaches us the symptoms and signs that a child is abused.They are currently working on creating a youth program in which they can educate children like us on their subject. They are very happy that we are willing to help out, and we are going to meet with them again soon.