On Thursday, we met up with Robert Gangi. Robert Gangi is the director of PROP; Police Reform Organization Project. We first met a while back on an interview with him and his intern. On that first interview with him we discussed the police quotas and how the are forcing police to arrest people for frivolous reasons. He recommended us to attend a court monitoring to see how many court defendants are usually black or Latino. We then arranged another meeting with him, which was our meeting on Thursday. On this meeting he educated us on way to prepare for in court. We also discussed what he thought about police men’s agressiveness and savage eagerness to meet the quota. Many cops would go around arresting people for no reason just to meet an expectation. And any cop that doesn’t meet their quota would be kicked out of their precinct. We also learned that 90% of the court defendants are people of color. This was a very informative meeting that greatly prepared us for our court monitoring