Visit to MMC Agency 1/13/16

On Wedsnday my group and I headed to MMC Agency. They are an agency group that focuses on marketing towards women. Once we got there we waited for Amiee who was our tour guide around the office. First we went to her office and we talked about our topic and what we focus on. Then we asked them to talk to us about what are some factors they consider when making ads and pitches for items for young girls. One thing they realized is that over the years girls started being more and more active on social media. They try to put up their ads on social media in order for girls to see them. They also try to get famous faces that the girls are going to recognize to talk about their products. If girls see people who they admire using products it is highly likely the young girls will use it too. Another thing they said is that they try to target a lot of places where they believe the girls will be in a few months or years so they can get there ahead of time. We met the CEO as well and she talked to us about how much the industry changed. The way girls are on social media and all of the things they see on there. On the end we had many more questions so we decided to set up a meeting with an actual team that works with advertising a company. We will meet with them in a couple of weeks and to talk more about everything they do. My group enjoyed the fieldwork very much and we learned more about advertising and how it is directed to a certain group.


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