On Thursday the seventh of January we spoke to the Vice President of Freedom House, Arch Puddington. Something Arch talked about how Freedom of Speech intrested him when he was a young child. He always wanted to learn more about freedom of speech and wanted to help with it. He decided to go to Europe to help freedom of speech over seas. Arch talked about what freedom house does, they put out information about the freedom of the world and learn about each place. A very important piece of info Freedom House gives out is their Freedom of the World map. Which shows where the map shows how much freedom is in the world and where it is. He talked about how freedom of speech plays different roles in different countries. We learned a lot about how freedom of speech has changed in the past few years. When I met Arch I recognized him because I take the subway every day with him. We talked to Arch about Edward Snowden and mass surveillance he said that there should be so much mass surveillance but there should be a limit on it so people don’t feel like they are being breached of their privacy.