Democracy Now! Studio Visit 12/17/15

On Thursday, December 17th my group and I woke up rather early and ventured to West 25th street to watch the news broadcast Democracy Now! live. We received a tour of the office and stations involved in creating a news broadcast. On top of this beautiful tour we had the pleasure of sitting next to the great Danny Devito while watching the broadcast. While watching the broadcast I started to see the clear difference between corporate media (like CNN) and independent media like Democracy Now! where they don’t take in corporate money. An obvious difference was while conducting interviews. Amy Goodman, the lead anchor and founder of Democracy Now! asks her questions very open ended leaving room for the interviewee to comment. When watching someone like Anderson Cooper give an interview he will give his own opinion like for example, “This is a tragedy, isn’t it?” After watching the taping we also got to have a chat with Amy Goodman and her co anchor. This was a pleasant surprise as we weren’t sure if we wood get to talk with Mrs.Goodman. The talk was very educational and highlighted a lot of differences between corporate and independent media. Overall it was a morning well spent and my group and I look forward to seeing if we can work with Democracy Now! again.


Hi, I'm Nissim. I'm an eighth grader at LREI and my social justice topic is Freedom of Speech & Imprisoned writers. I chose this topic because I feel everyone should have equal voice and no one should be kept in the shadows for their writing. 

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