Write for Writes, Amnesty International

On the 10th of December, we had the privilege of participating in the “Write for Rights” campaign, hosted annually by Amnesty International. The campaign put focus towards freeing political prisoners through encouraging letters to them, and letters about political prisoners to Government’s hosting them.

Earlier, we contacted Amnesty International by email. They  were more than happy to help us on our social justice project, and us to participate in the event. After a few days of organizing, we were ready to start the fieldwork.

We gathered two grades, four classes of students to meet in the school auditorium and watch a presentation on political prisoners, as well as get the opportunity to write and draw letters for the event. Amnesty International sent Alex over to us, to explain to students what exactly Amnesty International did, and how it related to political prisoners. He also showed the classes two cases in the “Write for Rights” campaign that pertained to our group and freedom of speech.

Over all, this experience has been both educational, and helpful for people facing injustice everywhere. It took LREI students on a learning experience they will never forget.

Thank you, Amnesty International and those involved in the organizing and execution of events!


I am an eighth grader at LREI and my social justice topic is freedom of speech. I chose this as my topic because I was interested in solving problems with free speech and imprisoned writers. 

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