Little Sisters Assumption Family Health Services Fieldwork.

Our Social Justice group went to LSA: Little Sisters Assumption which is an organization that assists anyone living in poverty by supplying them with food. They also have a children’s education system, but since our group’s topic is Families In Poverty, we focused more on their food pantry. We were able to assist the LSA staff by sorting the food in certain categories so that people who come in for food have an easy time finding what they want. We stayed there for about an hour, organizing the food in their categories, and giving it to the families or just one person who came hoping to get food. Then, we were able to take a tour of the building and see the other amazing things that they do to help others. We eventually made our way to Trish’s room, one of the head’s of the Development and Communications department of LSA, and interviewed her about what it was like to work there, and help vast amounts of people in all kinds of ways on a daily basis. After that, we thanked her along with the other members of LSA, then departed back to school. Overall, I thought it was an extremely successful fieldwork where I was informed about many issued within NYC relating to poverty.

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My name is Reggi, I am an eighth grader at LREI, Little Red School House and Elisabeth Irwin High School in Greenwich Village. My social justice topic is Children In Poverty. I chose this because I am interested in finding the number of children that do not have enough food to survive, and helping them in whichever way we can. 

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