New School: Climate change, cities and youth engagement 11/19/15

We visited the new school on November 19, 2015. Although when we had first decided to RSVP to this event we thought that it would be an ordinary press conference on climate change and getting involved, when we arrived we were surprised to see the conference was specifically about youth engagement. This was very good for us because we are youth wanting to engage in the topic. For example there were a few representatives for the organization i matter. This organization specifically focuses on getting youth engaged in action towards climate change. This was a press conference that opened our eyes on what we can do to take action in this topic. It opened our eyes because we now know that there are other young people working on this topic that are in almost the same situation as we are. If we work together with them then it will be very helpful for our group and for our project. It was very encouraging to see other youth engaging in this topic and we hope to contact i matter and many of the other organizations that attended the press conference. It would be very interesting to learn more about the views that some of the youth in our state have and I hope that we can learn more about this. Additionally at the press conference we were surprised to see Brian Torres! Brian is co producing a documentary about a snow peak in Colombia called El Nevado. Towards the end of the documentary he is showing how youth take action, we will be taking action in this documentary and helping him as he is helping us. During the press conference we finalized plans to meet with Brian on Monday. During the press conference we were interested to learn more so I decided to write a question for the panel. The question was “You have addressed how you’re getting the adults in the community to pay attention to climate change but what is your plan to educate children and adolescents in your community about this topic?” The answer directed us to a young activist from the Ironbound Community Corporation. She is the main focus in her organization who focuses on children becoming educated. Maisy decided to read the question, this was a very good experience and I am glad we decided to ask a question. Overall this was a very good fieldwork and I hope that it leads to more contacts and investigations towards action.

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I am Jane, an Eighth grader at LREI. My group is climate change. I chose to focus on Climate Change because this is a topic that impacts everyone. 

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