Food stamped movie screening

We watched a movie that explained the struggles us rising food prices and how its a struggle for people bellow the poverty line to get access to healthy food. The movie explains the food and heath problems the US face in a fight to bring heathy food to everyone. The movie steps into the lives of a couple that helps teach kids about heathy food. The movie follows them over a week doing something called the food stamp challenge. This challenge teaches people the struggle of living on government food stamps. The movie not only follows them it also jumps into people on actual food stamps lives. The couple not only see if its possible to live off of 30 dollars a week but they also try to do it healthily. This topic is important because people have no idea what its like to live bellow the poverty line. This movie also sheds light on the reasons for americas growing weight problem. After we watched the movie we got inspired to try the food stamp challenge for ourselves. Me and hanna not only are going to attempt the challenge we are going to to it as heathy as possible. We will find out why its so hard to get heathy and affordable food in the US. imgres


My name is Stella and I am a 8th grade student at LREI. This year we are focusing on social justice. My groups project is focusing on how fast food and that lack of heathy food is negatively effecting communities near us and around the U.S. 

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