Food Stamped Movie

The “Food stamped” movie was very educational. I really liked it, but it made me very emotional and made me understand how people who live on food stamps live. It was about a couple that tried living off food stamps for a month. They were interviewing people in the streets asking them if people can live off food stamps, there were various answers. To be honest, I wasn’t sure what a food stamp was before watching the movie, but not only did the movie educate me about that, it showed me the horrible circumstances of not having enough money to survive. They only had about $125 for each of them and as you can imagine, it was a big change for them! On the first day, they went to get groceries and spent all of their money for food. Then each day, they home cooked meals to have their own portions and not use as many ingredients in a day. During the movie, they took us to a couple of food organizations to help food poverty, just like food stamps. They also taught children how to cook vegetables to get them to enjoy making them and so liking eating them. They played games with the kids, they talked about healthy food and unhealthy food. By the end of the month, the couple got very hungry but they made it! I didn’t really think about health issues when I was told about poverty but thanks to this movie and social justice project I have learned that it is! After watching the documentary, I felt like I was privileged. Seeing what all these people didn’t have made me realize how much I had. I also felt a little bit like an ignorant bystander because I hadn’t really done anything to help hunger when I had never really looked in the subject.

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