Trip to the Paley Center for Media

imageDOn Monday the 16th, my group and I went to visit the Paley Center for Media, for one of our first outdoor field works! We had been contacting Caroline, one of the runners of the class we were going to participate in, and scheduled a time to all meet. Our group decided to have the other women portrayal come join us so that we could all get educated about our topic. We hopped on the train and headed to the Paley Center located near Rockefeller Center. The commute was not bad at all, and we got there on time to be able to take pictures and learn more about the center. We took the elevator up to a small room with chairs and a large projector. I couldn’t wait to start! It was just both the women in the media groups along with our mentor Caroline who ran the class. Throughout the 90 minutes of the class, I got to learn so much useful info about women in the media, and how brands effect the way women see their self. We watched a lot of montages of TV shows and commercials that showed or demonstrated a stereotype towards women and their image. The first video that we saw in the montage dated back to the start of all this portrayal. Obviously women portrayal has been going on for decades, but the clips we saw were around the 1980s to now. The first clip that was shown, was a doll commercial like barbies. It showed kids playing with various rocker dolls with hippie outfits on. It portrayed a fantasy lifestyle and perfect looks. The dolls flawless skin and makeup made a stereotypes for young girls (around 8 in clip) to have to be perfect. Another commercial that really struck me throughout the clip was a commercial called for a girls game called ¨girl talk”. The game is supposed to be a truth or dare type of game where girls talk about stereotypical ¨gossip¨ about boys and drama. One part in the clip, one of the girls asks a truth to her friend if she would ever kiss a certain boy. She responds back with ¨NO! I would rather put on a zit sticker!” The game features an unrealistic beauty stander as it comes with fake zit and pimple stickers

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