After meeting with sister Mary Ellen O’Boyle for an interview, she agreed to come and speak with the class. She gave a great presentation about sexual trafficking. During the presentation she explained to the class what sexual trafficking is, who it affects, what it looks like, and where it takes place. Sister Mary was very informative. Because I had met with sister Mary Ellen before, I did not think I would learn anything new. I was so happy to discover that my prediction was false. Sister Mary Ellen told the class about a website called After the presentation I went on the website and I was astounded by the information I discovered. Something I liked about Mary Ellen’s presentation was that she constantly took people’s questions. This kept people interested and engaged. I feel the students felt more connected to the topic when she allowed them to speak. After the presentation I was able to speak to some classmates to hear their thoughts about the presentation. I asked a fellow peer what she thought. She explained how she learned many new things and became aware of the seriousness of sexual trafficking. The presentation ended with a positive impact on the students. Overall we were so happy to have sister Mary come and speak to the class.