Rally at Columbia University

PhotoGrid_1414616695601Our group took a trip to Colombia University, in which we attended a rally pertaining to our topic. It was about Emma Sulcowicz, and many other girls who were raped on campus, and not trusted about the retelling of their horrific stories. The rally that we attended was a protest against the idea that people being raped on campus does not need to be talked about, and that it should be silenced. Many people spoke out, including Emma Sulcowicz. People could be seen holding mattresses and talking about why people shouldn’t rape, and many of the speakerd encouraged rape victimels to tell thier story. While chanting, several news channels came to witness it. I think the event was inspirational for me, because it shows how people realize that they can’t stand for something that was wrong. The mere fact that the students who raped Emma were not expelled, or that the Dean of students did not do anything about it at Columbia University, shows how wrecked the justice system is. The fact that nobody would take a stand shocked me because I knew it was to cover the university, so more students could apply, and they would save their reputation. I really enjoyed going to this event, because it showed a different side, the real side of college. It shows that even if you do get raped, no one will come to your rescue, because it is about reputation and money, not about doing the right thing. It was sad for me to hear that Emma thought she should tell anybody and, she did she regretted it because no one helped her. Though I heard this anf was mortified, it only further pushed me to realize that things need to change.


My name is Destiny Benson. I am in the eight grade and Little Red SchoolHouse, and my group and I a learning about our social justice topic, which is ending rape on campus. We have done interviews, gone to a rally, and attended a lecture. We are learning about what we can do to stop rape on campus, as it has recently become a major topic, that is getting much more media attention. We hope to bring even more attention to this topic, and expand our horizons about it. In my free time, I like to read, write, and watch tv. 

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