On November 20th, my group had our second fieldwork. We had been conversing with a woman from the WIN (Women in need) organization. When we first showed up to the address we were given, I was confused. I guess I thought that it was more of an office and kids were somewhere upstairs. It took me a few hours to finally realize that WIN runs shelters so we went into a child center in a shelter. Once we were brought into the room down the hall in which a hand full of kids and 3 adults were, we sat down in tiny chairs. A woman named Cierra explained to us that we would be making hand turkeys with the children with the given materials in front of us. The kids would need to write only their first name on part of the turkey in order for this company to know how many kids made turkeys. Some other company said that for every hand turkey made using some hashtag, they would donate $1 to the WIN organization. Then she brought us over and introduced us to a group of 10 or so kids from the ages of 4-12. Then we opened up the paper packages and asked each kid what color paper and what kind of materials they wanted. After breaking the ice a bit with them, we started talking individually with each kid. Some of the names of the kids were Qu’dar, Emani, Armani, Sequan, Genesis, Ivy, and Angel. I started asking some of the kids about their family structure. Most kids had 4 or so siblings and a bunch of step brothers and sisters. After we were mostly done with making turkeys, we all started playing with pipe cleaners and seeing what we could make with them. This one boy, Qu’dar, was very polite and sweet to me. He stood out to me because he was open to me and wanted to know about me, not just writing me off. He even went somewhere into the room and brought me back a drawing. He said he wanted me to have it. I was ecstatic and gave him a hug. I still remember him and think I will for a very long time.