New York Center for Children is a place for healing and helping children who have experienced abuse. As we toured the building, Christine Crowther explained the meaning and use of each room. One room in particular was dedicated to a woman who was sexually abused by her father. This woman had always said that this had affected her in a negative way as her life went on. NYCC wants to make it so children who have been abused can live successful and happy lives. Since most rooms are dedicated towards kids, the walls are decorated with different colors and patterns such as fish and cars. There are many different toys which most of us remembered from our childhood. Two rooms that struck me were the therapy/observing room and the medical room. The room where the children or teenagers talk about their experience is small and comfortable. On the other side, you can see through to the therapy room. However, when you are in the therapy room you can not see the other side, making it less intimidating, this is called a one way mirror or glass. After, we went into a conference room to ask Ms. Crowther, the administrator and director of the New York Center for Children, some questions. This was a different experience than CAPP because this organization does not focus on necessarily preventing child abuse, but helping children who have already been abused. It was a very interesting experience and I learned many new things about the healing process of such a tragic occurrence. Although I am happy we got to visit and interview at this organization, it makes me sad to know how common this is. I am thankful that there are places like the New York Center for Children to provide a place of comfort and safety for children.