My group and I interviewed Saadiq Bey. Mr. Bey works for the Fortune Society. He is a really nice guy, and he helped our group a lot. Saadiq offered to get us a tour of the company he works for. Saadiq told us about what the company he worked for was about and why it was started. For example, Saadiq works to keep people from going back to prison once they have already served their time. Saadiq also works for Ishmael Nazarro who was in a juvenile facility called Rikers Island and had to go into salutary confinement when he was just a kid. Saadiq talked to us about his opinions on kids going to prison and being charged as adults. I have learned about the problem NYC has with kids being sentanced to life in prison and people who keep re-affending crimes. Saadiq helped our group out alot.