Hello. my name is Damian. I am working on a social justice group focusing on youth incarceration and why this is so wrong. As a team, we schedule appointments/meetings (otherwise known as fieldworks) to learn more about our topic. We also look for alternative solutions for incarceration. In my group’s first fieldwork, we interviewed Saadiq Bey. Mr. Bey is parent at Little Red. He also works for the Fortune Society, an organization that tries to help ex-prisoners get back in their feet after they have served their time. In this interview, we asked him questions concerning our topic, the incarceration of our youth. One of the topics discussed was the affect incarceration has on a family. Mr. Bey has dealt with these problems firsthand when a family member was thrown into the prison system.We also talked about things as to what the government could do with our taxes other than incarcerate our youth. Mr. Bey thought that incarcerating our youth wasn’t right, and that they could be counseled. Sometimes what kids need is to be helped instead of being thrown into a prison. According to statistics brought to our attention, incarcerated youth are more likely to commit another crime after they get out, because they end up mingling with other prisoners and they develop friendships with them. We were very happy to speak with Mr. Saadiq Bey, and we look forward to meeting him again.