Brooklyn Museum, Intersections w/ Rebeca Summers 1/17/14

On the 17th of january the forgotten heroes took part in a special intersections. This dialogue was tied in with an exhibit at the Brooklyn museum. The exhibit was a collection of photos from wars ever since the Mexican-American war to current day. There was no censors on the images and the photos were very heart wrenching and graphic. A picture that i remember distinctively is a picture of a crying brother holding his dead brother. Everyone attending the dialogue met at an reserved room where we met with Rebeca. The dialogue started quickly and Rebeca gave a quick introduction and introduced to the crowd. One veteran and his spokesperson was brought by Rebeca, and a few veterans were in the crowd.

The first thing everyone was asked to do was to get into groups of three and go down to the War Photography exhibit with a task. We quickly grouped with other random people and introduced ourselves. The task assigned was to collectively find a picture and all write about anything in the picture (could be an object or person). All of us wrote good pieces and got a lot of good feedback from each other. People that were comfortable to share with the rest of the people did upstairs and then we all sat to watch a video.

The video was very provocative, and everything was animated in a very interesting way. The film was a story about the golden ribbons that are put on around some churches. There I learned the ribbons are to commemorate the fallen men and woman that served in the iraq war. This is then when I wondered how many people actually know what the reasoning of the ribbons are even for. Then I thought, even though the picture in the art exhibit are very graphic and could make some people uncomfortable, it is very good for people to see. At the end of the exhibit there was a wall made for people to post their ideas and thoughts on. I noticed almost a majority of the notes said something similar to “stop war”. This made me smile and made me now know more and more people were finding out about what many veterans faced, and maybe they would make an effort to help.


Xavier G

I am an 8th grader at LREI and I am very intrested in helping out our American troops. My fascination in helping the vets started when my grandfather who also happened to serve, informed me that veterans weren't receiving adaquite health care. This truly upset me and made me wonder why our country was doing this. I think vets should not have to go to private hospitals and pay for the things they need to excel such as prostheses and physical rehab. I am now not just trying to raise money, but awareness. Please help my group and I by emailing your friends and donating when the opportunity comes to you. You can reach the group by contacting our private email - 

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