Interview with Stacy Cedano

nyc_homebase_campaign_1Last week, my poverty group and I interviewed Stacy Cedano. Stacy works at Homebase. Homebase helps you stay out of a shelter. Homebase offers a range of services under one roof, including services to prevent eviction, assistance for obtaining public benefits, job placement assistance, financial counseling and money management, help relocating and short-term financial assistance. Homebase helps you create a plan to overcome any housing crisis. Homebase works with people who are low income and they are willing to make a positive change for the future.  A lot of people don’t know what homeless people’s skills are. Poverty actually started in 2005 when Bloomberg was mayor. Homebase has 11 offices throughout the 5 burrows. They provide assistance to get help. Most of the people that come to Homebase get what they need. Stacy wants her organization to help get around, so homeless people know where to call. They have great connections to get jobs with whatever skills you have. They recommended us to some really great events and organizations that we will try to make happen!


Hello! My name is Carla. I am an 8th grader at LREI. I am french and I like to ski. Poverty is important to me because it makes me realize how thankful I am to have food, clothing and shelter available to me all the time. Some people live in cardboard boxes and only eat one little meal a day. 

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