Our March Across the Hudson Against Gun Violence

On November 16, 2013 my social justice group and I took a trip to Poughkeepsie, New Jersey for a field work. There we marched across the Hudson River with over hundred people all there to support the fight against gun violence. Our main goal for participating in this fieldwork was to get out in the field and get our hands dirty for the first time. At the march we met all kinds of people from many different places all coming together for the common purpose to raise awareness about gun violence. There we met people from Sandy Hook, concerned mothers, concerned youth, and even people who were pro guns and against stricter gun laws. While there I learned a multitude of things about my topic and how I can make a difference along with my group. I learned that despite the youth of our group people are excited and willing to help us. Adults do recognize the fact that children can help change the world with their voice and intuitiveness. Additionally I was able to gain a new perspective on the gun violence issue. Many people there were angered because failure to pass stricter gun restrictions. This fieldwork opened my eyes as to the different perspectives of the gun violence argument. On one hand the amount of mass shootings have been outrageous and somebody needs to restrict the guns, but on the other hand there are law abiding citizens who keep proper care of their guns. I think that our next step from here would be to go on a fieldwork that specifies on inner city gun violence, so that we have a specific outlook of gun and violence and how it relates to us. Overall I have learned that gun violence is a very complicated issue that needs to be fixed bit by bit.

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