Conference Call with Yang Jiang 11/14/13:

Here is the place where Yang Jiang works. This is the logo of the NCCP.

Here is the place where Yang Jiang works. When she is not working at the NCCP, she is teaching at Columbia University. This is the logo of the NCCP.

For our second fieldwork we arranged a conference call with a lady named Yang Jiang to talk to us about what she does for the National Center for Children in Poverty. Yang Jiang works at Columbia University, but also works as someone who analysis the information the NCCP receives. It really all started when we found the page and thought it sounded like a good organization. We decided to call the organization, but we wanted to find someone specific who could help us answer some questions we had about poverty. So we found Yang Jiang and called her and we were able to set up a time for us to call her because it was the easiest for her to talk over phone.

The day before we called Yang Jiang, we sent her the questions we wanted to ask her so she could have some time to think about them. When the day came for the call we called her and she was prepared to tell us what her responses were to the question we had. While I was listening to her tell us about what her job was like, I was really interested because part of working for the NCCP was to analyze the work about poverty and if the poverty levels have changed that year. One thing I learned was that NYC’s poverty rate is 21%, New Hampshire’s poverty rate is 15% and Mississippi’s poverty rate is 31%. She decided to tell us the least, middle and highest amount of poverty out of the whole U.S..


I also learned that when she was younger she lived in China and would go on field trips to rural parts of China and she saw how it was harder to live in the rural parts of China. I also learned that she came to America when she was 21 years old and started to see how different China is to the U.S.. One last thing that I thought was really interesting was that she told us that every year the poverty rates for children increases, it never decrease. By hearing this, this made me really want to make a change. Overall, I thought our conference call with Yang Jiang went really well and I got to learn about the statistics of poverty and what the organization does.

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