Meeting With Amanda Setiawan From Engineers Without Borders

On Wednesday November 6th, we met with Amanda Setiawan from Engineers Without Borders (EWB). Amanda goes to NYU and she works internationally and locally with environmental issues. She is the president of EWB, which is an organization that creates many different machines that help the environment all over the world. She answered many of our questions and gave up useful information and statics. She discussed with us ways in which with can get involved and take action. She worked in El Salvador recently because there was lots of undrinkable water. They created sanitation systems to help get better, cleaner water to people in need of it. She also said that their next project is in Gambia. In Gambia they are trying to get solar power energy and a better water supply. They want to find ways to get solar power energy there and make sure that everyone understands it and not let anyone left confused. One of their goals is to make sure everything they create and give to communities is self-sufficient. They want to be able to teach everyone how to use their creations and learn how they are created. Engineers Without Borders is funded from multiple companies or corporations. However, we might have a bake sale to raise more money for their Gambia project. She was very nice and welcoming and loved the idea of us helping and getting involved in their organization.


I attend school at LREI and I'm in the 8th grade. I'm in the Environment social justice group. I am very interested in corporate pollution and helping the environment in any way I can. I hope to make a difference in the environment. 

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