Gotham II Final Portfolio Assignment

Portfolio Assignment: Gotham II

 For your final assessment of the term you will submit a portfolio containing:

  1. An introductory essay.
  2. Two revised assignments. (Check the blog for all the assignments). 
  3. All three (revised) Journal essays.     

 It is your responsibility to make an appointment with me to discuss your choices.  

 During the scheduled exam period exam you will discuss your neighborhood journal, using the Neighborhood Study rubric as a guide: you need to respond to one bullet from each of the categories   of findings.    particular aspects or problems you deal with. You will be expected to   read one or more passages that illustrate how you went about exploring the author’s themes, intentions and artistic means. You should   have a close-to-finished draft of your essays in class that day.

 The introductory essay will address the following question:

How have the various readings and fieldwork you have conducted this year helped you comprehend   New York City and make sense of your experience of it as a New Yorker?   Specifically, what have you learned about the urban experience in a society that is at the same time a “city of Strangers” and a city of intense and intimate relationships and communities? What are the different kinds of communities that exist within New York? What communities are parts of your life? How do they enhance your life?  Taking your neighborhood as a test case, what is the relationship of the urban neighborhood with the City as a whole? Could you live anywhere else? Why? Why Not?

The final portfolio will be due in my mailbox or my hands no later than Monday afternoon, December 14, 2009.

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