It’s Spring: Stop and Smell the Roses!
It has been wonderful to see flowers emerge from the hard ground after a long and gray winter. The pretty colors of the yellow daffodils, pink tulips and purple hyacinths in the green spaces around our neighborhood are always a joyful sight. Every year in the spring, flowers bloom, grass begins to grow and the weather begins to shift to give us glimpses of the days of light and life to come. It’s hard to imagine, but there are a number of green spaces in New York City, many of which are within walking distance of our school. One of the wonderful things about progressive education is that it allows for time to stop and take notice of the seasonal changes going on around us. Children have already begun taking walking trips in our neighborhood to see the changes that spring brings. Each day I hear vibrant classroom discussions about the delights of the season. Look for signs of spring with your child when walking to school, playing in the park, visiting community gardens or even while doing errands on the weekend. You’ll be surprised at what you might find. Seasonal changes provide wonderful opportunities to have conversations with children about the cycles of life, as well as to instill an overall lifelong appreciation of nature’s beauty. Don’t let the season go by without stopping every once in a while to “smell the roses.” I’m sure your children will be more than happy to explore with you and to share their knowledge and excitement.
Please view our on-line Lower School gallery for great photo’s of recent events:
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The Spring Music Assemblies are starting next week! This is a wonderful opportunity for parents to view all of the exciting learning happening in music. All of the assemblies are in the auditorium on Wednesdays at 8:45 a.m. Please note date changes! Ledell & Sue
Third Grade – April 16th – “Recorder Time”
First Grade – April 23rd – “Songs From our Neighborhood”
4’s & EK’s – April 30th – “Spring Birds”
Kindergarten – May 7th – “Spring Singing Games”
Second Grade – May 14th – “Sounds of New York” (this is a date change!)
Fourth Grade – May 21st – Immigration Musical” (this is also a date change!)
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UPDATE Parent Teacher conferences will be held Friday April 18 (LS/MS only – All divisions closed) and Friday April 25 (LS only, MS/HS are open). As in previous years, the school will offer childcare options for families. Childcare will be drop-in style with no prior signups; children can stay for either Full Day (8am-4pm) childcare or Conference-only childcare (parents will drop off and pick up children throughout the day when they are in conferences). Full day childcare will be $20 per child per day (please bring nut/seed free bagged lunch; light snacks will be provided). Conference-only childcare is free of charge. Please get in touch if you have any questions, Kim Cherubin, ext. 215 or
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The Big Auction 2008 is coming on May 1. You should have received an invitation during the last week – if not please contact Pippa Gerard at Attached is a flyer (click here: 0403-LREIAfghan) about a wonderful auction tradition – the community afghan. If you are a knitter or crocheter there is still time to participate and donate a square to be included in the afghan.
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- Thursday, April 17 – 8:45AM: LS parent rep meeting
- Friday, April 18 -Parent Teacher conferences – School Closed
- Monday, April 21 – Stay at Home and Read with Your Family Night
- Tuesday, April 22 – Poem-in-Your-Pocket Day
- For an up-to-date, searchable all school calendar, please visit
- 4s: Please click here (0410-4s-letter) for a letter from Beth & Caroline.
- 1st grade: Please click here (0410-1st-GEletter) for a letter from Gina & Emily.
- All grades: Please click here for the calendar for the 2008-09 school year.