
Hello, my name is Scekem Wells. I am an eighth grader from LREI, a school in the Greenwich Village. My social justice group focuses on Poverty, however we chose specifically to focus on homelessness. My group is made up of five students. I chose to do poverty for social justice because it makes me think about the less fortunate, and it also makes me grateful that I have a home and food and clean water.

12/4/13 – Interviewing Stacey Cedano

On Wednesday, December 4 2013, our social justice group met and interviewed Stacey Cedano from the NYC Department of Homeless Services. We got learn about a government controlled organization called Home Base, which directs reaches out to families living in who are living in poverty and can barely pay the rent. Their main goal is…

Interview With Peter Brest – 11/21/13

On November 21st 2013, our group met and interviewed Peter Brest, The Cheif Operating Officer of the Metropolitan council on Jewish Poverty we learned a lot about the current problems that has to do with public housing and lack of employment. We also were able discuss different statistics and facts about things such as homelessness,employment,and…

McSilver Institute Visit – Game Show Presentation on Poverty

After a wonderful interview with Mary Mckay (director) and Ammu Kowolik (assistant director) at the McSilver Institute, we were able to schedule a date for Ammu and Gary to visit our grade and give a presentation about poverty. They decided to do an exciting gameshow, instead of just having a not so exciting conversation about…

12/15/13 – Interview with Mary McKay at McSilver Institute

On November 14th, 2013 our Social Justice group went to the McSilver Institute for poverty policy and research to interview Mary McKay, the director of the institute, Ammu Kowolik, the volunteer coordinator, along with an NYU intern working with them. We ended up speaking with only Ammu and the intern. They talked about what McSilver…

11/6/13 Covenant House: Interview With Alice Steigerwald

On November 6, 2013 we met with Alice Steigerwald, who is the manager of the media and outreach department for the Covenant House. She gave us a lot of interesting statistics, and talked about her program. The Covenant House acts as a shelter, and also has programs that help people find houses, and jobs. This…

Volunteer Work At Homes for The Homeless – 11/22/13

On November 11th, 2013, Chiara, Rachel, Julia, Carla and I went to Homes for The Homeless to do volunteer work, and help the children at the shelter do a arts and crafts thanksgiving activity. Homes for the Homeless is a shelter that providesfamily-based, child-centered, and education-focused oppurtunity. They provide the necessary support for families and…

10/17/13 – UN Eradication of Poverty Day Conference

On October 17 2013, the Split B Poverty Group went to the UN for a meeting on the eradication of poverty for the Eradication Of Poverty which is an international day where people come together to discuss possible solutions to resolving poverty, share stories about their encounters with poverty, and hold performances for people who…