Curriculum Nights

Dear Lower School Families,

I look forward to seeing you on Curriculum Night this evening or next week. It’s always a pleasure to see your children at work in their classrooms each day. Now it’s your turn to see, hear and experience a day in the school life of your LREI student. Please enjoy the evening!


A note about 4th grade Keyboarding: Dear Fourth Grade Parents – Please note that your child’s Keyboarding class with Celeste begins next week (October 1st), so if you haven’t already given her your day and time preference, please make sure you do so (click here for more information). Any questions – don’t hesitate to contact Celeste directly via email –


Announcement from Michel de Konkoly Thege, Associate Director, about Debate Series: Phil Kassen has asked me to help organize the creation of a series of debates and discussions leading up to the Presidential elections in November 2008. Our hope is to create a community forum to discuss and debate the issues, not the candidates. If you would like to be part of a small group of faculty, parents and students who will organize these debates, or if you have suggestions for debate topics, please contact me at or 212.477.5316, ext 319 by October 3 to let me know of your interest. I would like to convene an initial meeting of the organizing group in mid-October to discuss the format and potential content of these debates.


From Director of Diversity & Community Sandra (Chap) Chapman: I would like to inform you of our orientation session for families of children that are new to LREI. LREI 101 will provide an in-depth, interactive, and engaging introduction to LREI, its mission, philosophy, and diversity initiatives. These sessions will offer participants an opportunity to learn more about the School community and values and your child’s classroom experience. LREI 101 will be held on Wednesday, October 3 from 8:45am – 10am at 272 Sixth Avenue, and then again on Thursday, October 11 from 6:30pm – 8:00pm at 40 Charlton Street. Please contact the receptionist at 212-477-5316 to let us know which session you will attend. Contact me either by phone (x294), or by e-mail, if you have questions about LREI 101. I look forward to further discussions with you about LREI.


  • Second-Fourth Grades Curriculum Night: Tuesday, 10/2 at 6:00PM
  • LREI 101: Wednesday, 10/3 at 8:45AM
  • Asian American Families Breakfast: Thursday, 10/4 at 8:00AM
  • Lesbian-Gay-Straight Alliance (LGSA) Meeting: Thursday, 10/4 at 8:00AM
  • NOTE: Friday, 10/5 school will be CLOSED for a Faculty Development Day. School is also closed the following Monday, 10/8 for Columbus Day.
  • NOTE: School Photo day is Monday, 10/15. We will be sending out more information closer to the date. Photo retake day will be Monday, 11/12.


  • For All families: Click here for a message about Science in the Lower School from Jenell Rubin; a letter about Math from Sharon White can be found here.
  • For Kindergarten families: Click here for a message from Lauren and Molly.
  • For 1st grade families: Click here for a message about homework from the First grade teachers.
  • For 4th grade families: Click here for a message about keyboarding from Celeste.
  • Notes from the Parent Rep meetig on 9/20 can be found here.

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