The Affective Domain – What Does That Mean?

“Activating the affective domain is a key to learning,” is educational jargon for “if you feel something, you remember it and understand it so much more.” This is an important principle that our teachers understand very well and employ often as they strive to make the classroom and the learning that happens there enjoyable. From creating community, to talking out our differences, to math games, to buddies, to baking, to building things – enjoyment is an under-girding principle to many projects.

But the inverse is also true, and once in an extremely great while, unpleasant emotions, even stress, can be invoked to make learning come to life. The fourth graders experienced this earlier this week during their “Immigration Simulation.” On Monday fourth grade teachers and other adults they recruited from the around the school re-created a simulated U.S. immigration experience of long ago for “newly arrived” immigrants (fourth graders) from various countries. The fourth graders, dressed in various garb and costumes for the occasion, ran the gauntlet of lines, waiting rooms, legal document check points, passport controls, and health officials that many immigrants faced as they passed through the Ellis Island immigration process. What an experience! I felt compelled to ask several fourth graders the next day if they were over the trauma (luckily they were), because I knew how seriously we’d all acted as “officials.”

Studying the lives of ordinary people in history (in contrast to the “great man [sic]” theory or approach) is also a cutting edge, progressive approach to history at the university level these days. It’s even more powerful when combined with a simulation experience that allows students insight into and appreciation of the human experience. Enjoy the small sampling of fourth grade photos below.

May your family’s holiday break be filled with nothing but pleasant, warm, happy correlations to the affective domain! See you in the new year!


Waiting in lines (1)
Waiting in line…

… more waiting in line…
…more waiting in line…

… still waiting in line.
…still waiting in line!

Having documents inspected
Having documents inspected…

At the Medical Inspection station
…and then on to the Medical Inspection station.

Buying a Lottery Ticket
Buying a lottery ticket.

At Last taking the oath of allegiance
At last, taking the oath of allegiance!


(click on the links below to view and print information from teachers and specialists.)

  • All grades: Please click here for the ‘at a glance’ calendar for the 2008-09 school year.



  • 12/19: School Closes at 12Noon for Winter Break (Fours through First grade dismissal at 11:45AM). No Afterschool.
  • 1/6/09, Tuesday: School re-opens
  • For an up-to-date, searchable all school calendar, please visit





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Afterschool Registration Information!
Follow the links below to download the new Afterschool registration forms for 2009. Forms and class descriptions will also be posted on the Afterschool portion of the LREI website. Registration for programs begins on January 6th and continues through January 9th. If you are registering for Instrumental lessons, turn in your form by 3:00pm on January 6th to be included in the registration shuffle. During registration week, Afterschool will offer free childcare. Please contact the Afterschool Office with any questions at 212-477-5316 ext 239. You may also email Kelly Eudailey at or Cari Kosins at

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Save the Date for Karamu! Friday January 23rd… Karamu! is a multicultural celebration of music, dance, and food celebrating the diversity of our school and community – all are invited! Tickets go on sale Tuesday, January 20th. Discount tickets are available – please contact Juliet Burrows ( This event always sells out so get your tickets early! Here are ways to be involved: get tickets & come to the show, volunteer to help out on the day of or donate a prepared dish for the feast!. More details to follow… join the fun of this wonderful community building event!

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Alumni College Panel, on Thursday, January 8th at 6:30 PM at the High School. Meet recent LREI graduates and hear from them about their experiences and how LREI prepared them for college. Moderated by Amy Shapiro, Director of College Guidance. RSVP to Liza Sacks, at or (212) 477-5316 ext. 291. Click here (1211-WS-AlumCollegePanel.pdf) for more information.

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Some green holiday ideas from the Red is Green Committee

  • Looking for recycled wrapping paper? has a lovely collection. Or better yet, make it an arts & craft project with your child – use paper shopping bags and some paint to create fun and unique wrapping paper!
  • Next time you want to relax by the fireplace on a cold snowy night, use eco-friendly logs, such as Java logs, made from coffee. Visit
  • Getting a new computer this holiday season and wondering what to do with your old one? Bring your old computers, printers and other electronics to the next e-waste recycling event on January 4 at Union Square. Visit for details.
  • Save your holiday cards and we will donate them to St. Jude’s Ranch, a home for abused, neglected and abandoned children. The children and volunteers recycle the old cards and sell the new ones. Starting in January we will have a box in the lobby to collect your cards.
  • So far we’ve collected over 60 pairs of sneakers for the Nike Reuse a Shoe program. Since it’s going so well, we will continue to collect through January 15, so tell your friends & relatives over the holidays to bring you their old sneakers!



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