The Results, guest blog from Phil


Wednesday was a thrilling day at LREI. As they greeted each other, teachers, students and parents were bubbling with excitement, thoughts, ideas and hopes. No matter which candidate one supported, it was not lost on anyone that we were living in an historic moment. Even our youngest students knew that it was a day to work hard to understand. Each division had an assembly to mark the day. These gatherings varied so as to be age-appropriate, yet all were joyful events filled with conversation, singing, speeches and, most of all, optimism.

We are thrilled by the level of interest the students, in all three divisions, have shown for the candidates, the election process and the issues. As many of you know the election has been a part of the curriculum throughout the fall and for many of our students for much of last year, as well. Our fourth graders worked with librarian Stacy Dillon to study electoral politics through a process of “electing” their favorite books. Stacy announced the winner on Wednesday. Congratulations go to Green Eggs and Ham. The middle school students participated in a national mock election that allowed them to vote on the major party candidates for President and on local ballot initiatives. I am looking forward to seeing the results. In addition, one of our middle school advisory groups spent time out and about in the neighborhood registering more than a dozen people to vote. In the high school, discussions, projects and assemblies dealing with the candidates and the campaign have been going on for quite some time. Throughout the primary season the high school students created a series of debates with students portraying the candidates. Our high schoolers are to be commended for their deep understanding of each candidate’s beliefs. One of our high school students even arranged for the candidates from the Socialist Workers Party to come in and speak to interested schoolmates about this party’s platform. Over the past couple of weeks, many high school faculty and students traveled to Pennsylvania on the weekends to campaign. A group of faculty and students spent last Thursday supporting the last moments of their candidate’s campaign as part of our Minimester—a series of three-day intensive classes in which all eighth – twelfth graders participate. (See Ruth’s blog from two weeks ago to see all of the Minimester offerings.) As I have said to a number of you, I have been in the school for five election cycles and have never seen this level of interest, education and commitment. I hope that our students’ interest in civic involvement remains at this level. Excellent work, all.

My family decided that we would vote very early on Tuesday morning. All agreed that the excitement of Election Day and avoiding lines was a good reason to set our alarm clocks to rouse us before the usual time. The plan was to vote and go out for a celebratory breakfast before the school day began. As I sat on the edge of my four year old son’s bed, watching him at peace and allowing him a last moment’s rest before our adventure began, I realized that there was a possibility, that is now a reality, that the first face he really remembers as the face of a leader, of a President, will be a Black man’s face. That for him and many others this simple fact will change their assumptions and judgments, the goals they will have and the plans they will make. Am I making too much of this? We will have to wait and see, but I don’t think so. While there is still much work to do, the fact that in a few short months the United States of America will have an African-American President will have a long lasting and far-reaching impact. I am eager, for myself and for our children, to see what the future holds.

One final thought, I hope that the future holds a recognition that two people choosing to commit themselves to each other is good for everyone and that all people should have the same right to be a family. So even as we celebrate Tuesday’s victory, we should not ignore Tuesday’s defeats. We need to keep our eyes on any discrimination that needs our continued focus and energy.

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On a completely different note… I want to take this opportunity to remind you of some important upcoming due dates.

  • Irwin Scholar applications are due Monday, November 17, 2008. Each year LREI offers merit scholarships to students moving from our eighth grade into the ninth grade who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishment and promise in the areas of scholarship, citizenship, leadership and service.
  • Sibling and Alumni/ae Admissions to the Fours, Kindergarten and First Grade: LREI offers the option of Early Notification to siblings of current LREI students, and to the children and grandchildren of LREI alumni. Should you wish to participate in this program, please download the Early Notification form from our web site and submit by Monday, December 1, 2008. Please note that all Early Notification application files must also be completed by this date.
  • Tuition Remission deadline for applying for Tuition Remission is December 15, 2008.
  • Re-enrollment contracts will be mailed to all families no later than January 15, 2009.
  • Re-enrollment contracts are due on February 1, 2009.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions,


(click on the links below to view and print information from teachers and specialists.)

  • First & Second grades: a note about Math & Science night (1030-12-msnight)
  • Second grade: Colleen & Bonnie’s class (1106-2-cbletter)
  • Third & Fourth grades: a note about Math & Science night (1030-34-msnight)
  • All grades: Please click here for the ‘at a glance’ calendar for the 2008-09 school year.


  • 11/7: LS/MS Closed, Parent Teacher conference day
  • 11/11, 8:45am: Bring the Conversation Home (PDF)
  • 11/11, 6pm: 3rd & 4th grade Math & Science Night (1030-34-msnight)
  • 11/12, 8:45am: Kindergarten assembly
  • 11/12, 6pm: Parent SEED Meeting
  • 11/14: All divisions closed, Parent Teacher conference day
  • 11/18: Photo Re-take day
  • 11/18, 6pm: 1st & 2nd grade Math and Science Night (1030-12-msnight)
  • For an up-to-date, searchable all school calendar, please visit




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Please click here for the first LREI newsletter for the year, the theme is Learning by Doing.  In our ongoing drive to be more sustainable we are distributing it exclusively in digital format. Phil welcomes your feedback as we move forward with this and other green initiatives. For additional news highlights, please visit

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School Photos: Our photography company, Coffee Pond, has mailed out school photo order packages to your homes. You should be getting these packages shortly – they include a photo proof sheet and ordering instructions. As a reminder, photos must be ordered online at or over the phone by calling (800) 632- 2323 (dial ‘0).

For those families who wish to have photographs re-shot, Photo Retake day is Tuesday, Nov. 18. Please call Coffee Pond directly if, after reviewing your proofs, you’d like to have your children photographed again – note that there is a fee associated with having photos re-shot. You must call Coffee Pond by Wednesday, Nov. 12th if you want to participate in Photo Retake Day. If you do not receive your proofs, please call Kim Cherubin (ext. 215) in the Lower School and she’ll coordinate getting another set of proofs to you.

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Dear Parents-
The Kindergartens, EK’s and Fours will be having their Parent Assemblies soon!

  • Wed., November 12th- Kindergartens
  • Wed., November 19th- Fours and EK

They will be at 8:45 to about 9:15 in the auditorium. It will be a chance for you to see what we’ve been doing in music class. It’s very informal, not really a performance. When you bring your child to school, stay in the classroom until it’s time to come down together. You are invited to sit with your child on the floor and you’ll be able to hear your child sing and join in now and then. (We’ll have a few chairs for those who need them.) I am excited to attach some audio files here for you to get a preview of some songs. We can add songs as the year goes on.
I look forward to seeing you soon!
Sue Ribaudo

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Shop News: Monsters have begun appearing in the Sixth Avenue lobby display case! Second Graders created these creatures using crosscut and coping saws, drills and wire so each monster has moving parts! Please check them out!

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Childcare for upcoming Math & Science nights:
3rd & 4th grade – 11/11
1st & 2nd grade – 11/18
Childcare will be available at the usual fee of $15 per child and $5 for siblings. If you require childcare for either evening you must signup on the sheets at the reception desk. The will be a sheet for each evening. You can also email Mary Shea ( no later than Monday, November 10th. Please remember that when you arrive you must sign your child in and when leaving you must sign out. Pizza and Juice will be served.

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A message from Chap, Director of Diversity and Community
Bring The Conversation Home: Strategies for addressing challenging diversity topics your child brings home: Part I
Join us on Tuesday, November 11th at 8:45 AM in the Sixth Avenue Cafeteria for a discussion and Q&A on a number of diversity topics you and your family face on a regular basis, with a particular focus on socioeconomic class. Please consider inviting another LREI parent or two to this important community discussion. (PDF)

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Red is Green Committee: Thanks to all who turned out for our first Red is Green Committee meeting. We had a great turn out. Starting Monday November 10th we will begin our monthly recycling drive. During the month of November we will be collecting plastic bags in the lobbies of both buildings. Plastic bags currently can not be recycled with our plastics in NYC. We will take them to venues in NYC where they can be recycled. Future recycling drives: December – bring in any brand of old sneakers to be recycled into sports surfaces like basketball courts or playgrounds. Stay tuned for future recycling drives. Our next meeting is Monday November 24th at 8:45am in Sixth Ave. cafeteria. If you would like to receive updates please email Liselotte at or Kim at

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Mark Bledstein, who has been teaching at LREI for 40 years, will be presenting “Teaching Modern China: Art and Politics/Images and Documents” on November 11, 2008, 3:45-5:15, Charlton Street Cafeteria. Parents and student families are invited to attend. This presentation is sponsered by Teaching East Asia at the University of Colorado, Boulder and funded by the Freeman Foundation and an LREI summer grant.

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Music Assemblies, First – Fourth Grades: The Lower School Assemblies are a wonderful opportunity for parents to see the concepts and songs learned in music class. Rhythm, melody, harmony, form as well as creative movement and interpretive listening will showcase the grade level assemblies. Parents, please join us and be prepared to participate! – Ledell Mulvaney, Music Teacher

  • Third Grade, Wednesday, 12/3 at 8:45am

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Trick or Treat for UNICEF! As a school community effort, LREI is again collecting money for UNICEF during the Halloween season. Those handy recognizable UNICEF boxes have already been distributed by your child’s classroom teacher and should be coming home in backpacks this week. Please click here for detailed information about the drive; boxes should be returned to either your classroom or to Kim Cherubin in the Sixth Avenue building by Monday, November 10.

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Parent Teacher conferences will be Friday, November 7th (LS & MS) and Friday November 14th (All divisions). As in previous years, the school will offer childcare options for families. There will be two sign ups per conference day – one for Full Day (8am-4pm) childcare and one for Conference-only childcare (parents will drop off and pick up children throughout the day when they are in conferences). Full day childcare will be $20 per child per day (you may bring nut/seed free bagged lunch; pizza lunch and light snacks will be provided). Conference-only childcare is free of charge. Sign up sheets will be at the reception desk of the Sixth Avenue building up until the Thursday before each conference day. Please note, childcare is for school-aged children only. Please get in touch if you have any questions, Kim Cherubin –

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Too Busy To Play? Why Children Need To Play in Order To Learn
Evening Lecture for Parents with Dr. Edward Hallowell
Thursday, November 13, 8 pm, $25
92nd Street Y, on the corner of 92nd Street and Lexington Avenue.
This special presentation is for parents of young children, focusing on how and why play creates confident learners.
Dr. Edward Hallowell is a child and adult psychiatrist who specializes in ADD/ADHD and who also has ADHD. He is the co-author of the book Delivered From Distraction. He also created The Hallowell Center for Cognitive and Emotional Health in Sudbury, MA. He received his medical degree from Tulane University Medical School.

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