Hi everyone! Jesse has already introduced himself, so I thought I would follow his lead.
I am Stacy Dillon and I am the librarian for First through Fourth grade. Library is a special where students enjoy read alouds, learn library etiquette, dip their toes into research methods, and meet our old friend Melvil Dewey. The hopes of the librarians at LREI is that our students develop a love of reading and become life long learners.
We take pride in getting to know the reading tastes of our students, and we also look to them to let us know about exciting titles to add to our collection. So, if your child is in need of a book recommendation, please stop on by the library. Jesse and I, along with Middle School librarian Jennifer Hubert Swan, are bibliophiles ourselves, and chances are we can put an exciting book in the hands of your child!
Happy Reading!