English 10 Syllabus

English 10C

Jane Belton

Syllabus, February – March 2011

Wednesday 2/16

Discussion: WJ#13 due. Continue discussion of the novel.

Assignment: Prepare to submit WJ 11, 12, and 13 in your WJ portfolio on Friday.

Thursday 2/17 – No Class

Friday 2/18

Discussion: WJ Portfolio due (#s 11-13). Introduce final project

Assignment: 1) Review the text. 2) Decide what your main point (thesis) is about Gatsby and write it down for class on Wednesday. 3) Begin to gather evidence (use sticky notes or a different colored pen to mark key passages in your book).

Monday 2/21 – Tuesday 2/22 – No School

Wednesday 2/23

Discussion: Thesis statement due. Writing Workshop 1 — Thesis statements and introductions; outline writing: define three main sub-points.

Assignment: 1) Type your introduction and print it out for class. 2) Gather textual evidence for each sub-point.  3) In your notebook, write your three main sub-points and the textual evidence for each point you plan to make, with page numbers for quotes in parentheses.

Thursday 2/24 – No Class

Friday 2/25

Discussion: Writing Workshop #2Introduction and rough outline due. Hand in intro for teacher feedback. Share and workshop intros.

Assignment: Write the first body paragraph of your speech.

Monday 2/28

Discussion: First body paragraph due. Writing Workshop # 3 — Body paragraphs: structure, incorporation and analysis of evidence, tone and voice.

Assignment:  Write body paragraphs 2 and 3.

Tuesday 3/1

Discussion:  First draft of speech due (without a conclusion).  Writing Workshop # 4 — body paragraphs (peer work) and conclusions.

Assignment:  Finish your speech. A full first draft of your speech is due tomorrow. Please print it out before class.

Wednesday 3/2

Discussion: FIRST DRAFT DUE. In class conferences.

Assignment: Continue to work on your draft.

Thursday 3/3 – No Class

Friday 3/4

Discussion: In class conferences.

Assignment:  Complete final project portfolio.

In the left hand pocket of your final project folder, please include the following:

1.     Outline

2.     First draft of intro with teacher comments

3.     First full draft

In the right hand pocket of your final project folder, please include the following:

1.     Final draft with title page and numbered pages

2.     Process piece


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