June 11th, 2009

Hello LREI Families,

It is hard to believe, but tomorrow is the last day of school!  We start at 8:30 and end at noon.  Our last day is full of Arts assemblies, locker clean-ups, yearbook signing, and see you next years.  As we close a successful and memorable 2008-9 school year, I have some reminders.

First – Please make sure all textbooks and Library books are returned.  We will be around next week if your student has forgotten, but it is critical that all books are returned.  You may hand it to the teacher in person, or leave it at the front desk with a note.

Second – Please make sure your student has everything from their locker.  With construction and clean-up this summer anything left will be discarded.

Third – Please make sure your student has any summer assignments, and if they have any questions, they should ask a teacher before they are off for the summer.  I will be available to answer any questions through the end of June (MDGottlieb@LREI.org) and Julia, interim Principal starting Monday, is available as well  (JHeaton@LREI.org).

Fourth – Students schedules and class lists will be up on Backpack (https://backpack.lrei.org/SeniorApps) during the summer.  Students can see their elective classes for the whole year (Sophomores – Art, Juniors and Seniors – Art, English, History, Science). If you or your student has any questions, please contact me.  Remember that there is an Add/Drop period at the beginning of each trimester.

Fifth – A Fall Sports letter from Athletic Director Peter Fisher will be sent out shortly.

For Fall Schedules please visit: http://lrei.org/athletics/fallsports.html

For Athletic News: Updates and Summaries, visit: http://lrei.org/athletics/news.htm

Finally – Next year we have some exciting changes coming to the High School. In addition to the new space, we will have an expanded daily schedule. More details on this will be coming in an email and next week’s blog entry.  As always, I am available to discuss details, questions, and concerns.

Please visit the Calendar page at www.LREI.org for upcoming events, and next year’s Calendar.

It has been a real pleasure.  Have a great summer and see you in the fall!


Micah Dov Gottlieb

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