Trimester III Exam Schedule, 2011-2012 Elective sign up details, Field Day details!

Dear Families,

Exam Week for Trimester III begins next Friday.  Attached, please find the exam schedule for Trimester III. The exam schedule may undergo a change or two in the next few days; the most current schedule will be posted at the high school. Below, please find what exam week will look like in case you have any questions, or need to make particular arrangements.

Next Friday, June 3:  Reading Day.  School open regular hours.

Reading Day is designed for students to prepare for exams, final papers and exhibitions. This is also an opportunity to catch up with outstanding work, work with groups for final presentations, use the Tech Center and printers around the school, etc. This is a quiet work day. Students may choose to work at school or at home. Students are not required to report to school, and it is not counted as an absence if they are not here. However, you may prefer your child to come to school for the full day to work. Please send him or her. School will be open. The Library will be open all day. All teachers will be at school regular school hours to provide the opportunity to meet with students.

Monday-Wednesday,  June 6-8: Exams. Exam periods are 9 AM-11 AM and 1 PM-3 PM. Each day, students should come in plenty of time for their morning exam, and students may leave after their exams are complete. Again, here is the exam schedule.

Thursday, June 9:  8:30 AM start time.  Special end of the year Arts Assembly and clean up.

Friday, June 10:  8:30 AM start time.  Class meetings, yearbook signing, lunch, then graduation at 1PM.  All students must be dressed appropriately for graduation.  No t-shirts, jeans.

Also:  Please take a look at the  History, English and Science electives for 10th, 11th and 12th grades.  There are course descriptions and sign up instructions .  Please take the time to look it over with your student if you are interested.  There are many wonderful choices for the next school year.  The sign-up sheets for English and History are due next Wednesday.  Students in academic support will need Jerry, Micah or me to review the options with them before turning in their forms.  The science elective sign ups will be done via survey monkey sometime next week.  If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me, Micah, Sarvjit, advisors and grade level deans.

Finally, tomorrow we will hold our annual Field Day at Pier 40.  We will also celebrate our senior class and hear what each senior’s plans are for after graduation.  We are looking forward to an exciting day! School will close at 1:00PM. Some additional information follows:

  • It is important for all students to arrive on time in their colors!  Ninth grade:  YELLOW, Tenth grade:  PURPLE, Eleventh Grade:  ORANGE, Twelfth grade:  RED
  • Students will spend the first part of Field Day in activities with their buddies. The younger lower school classes will return to the school after lunch while the third through twelfth grades will participate in a variety of activities in mixed age groups.
  • Students will need to bring their own lunch along with a container of water. (No nuts or seeds, please.)  Plastic bottles are fine, but please no glass containers!  Clothing should be comfortable and easy to move in, shorts or sweatpants and athletic shoes.  No sandals.  Sunscreen, sunglasses and a hat are strongly recommended.
  • We will return to school in time for 1:00PM dismissal, 12:45PM for the Fours, Fours/K and K.

All the best, Ruth

Please click here for the 2011-2012 School Calendar.

Save the date for an important event:  The Senior Project Presentation evening, Wednesday, June 1, 6:30 PM.  All 11th grade students are required to attend the Senior Project Evening.

1.  LREI Camping Trip: The 18th Annual LREI Camping Trip will take place June 3-5 this year at the Riverbend Group Campground along the Delaware River. All LREI families and their children  from all grades pre-K through high school  are invited to participate. Sign-up tables will be in front of the 6th Ave building on Fri May 6, Tues May 17, and Thurs May 26. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help organize, please contact Larry White at or (212) 533-1966. Further information about the camping trip can be found here.

2.  PA Officers Poll:  Each year the Parents Association asks its members to vote on a slate of officers and representatives for the following school year.  Click here for the ballot for the 2011-2012 school year.  All parents/guardians of LREI students are members of the association and are encouraged to vote.  There is no election for class parent representatives.  If you would like to volunteer to be a parent rep, please speak to your divisional coordinator or the current year’s parent reps.  Once completed, please return your ballot to the receptionist in either building.  Copies of the ballot are available at the front desk of either building. Ballots can also be mailed to the school; please address them to Parents Association Elections.


From the Parents Association: Spring is here, so it is time to start planning for the next school year. The Parents Association would like to let you know the many ways you can participate. Becoming a parent rep is a great way to get involved. If you have not been a parent rep before but would like to try it or find out more about it, please let us know. We would be happy to talk to you more about what the job entails. You can also refer to the Family Handbook (accessible through our website for the Parent Rep Guidelines. We will be matching parent reps to classes in mid-August or so, when the class lists are finalized. If you’re looking for other ways to get involved, you could consider volunteering for any of our PA committees; please click here for the list. Please email us at if you have any questions or suggestions.

4.  EE Ford Grant Announcement:

As you may know, LREI has been awarded a prestigious $50,000 matching grant from the Edward E. Ford Foundation to redesign the high school curriculum for the 21st century. EE Ford is the only foundation that awards money solely to independent secondary schools and it is a huge honor for LREI to be among the few recipients. This is a challenge grant and LREI has been successful in raising the needed matching funds from our community.

Phil has given several talks about the grant and his vision for our high school curriculum. If you have not already attended his presentation, please join him on Tuesday, May 31st at 8:45am in the Sixth Avenue Library to learn more.

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