‘Tis the Season


  1. the season of the year following winter and characterized by the budding of trees, growth of plants, the onset of warmer weather, etc.
  2. the first stage and freshest beginning

culminate cul-mi-nate

  1. to reach the highest point or degree
  2. to come to completion; end

Spring has clearly sprung. The weather is warming, the trees are budding, the ball field is full each afternoon, as are the benches in Little Red Square—with students, parents and faculty taking advantage of the season. While spring is a moment of new beginnings, as I walk the halls of the three divisions at this time of the year, the more prevalent feeling is that of a beginning of culmination, a coming to completion. All LREI students and families will have opportunities to participate in or witness these endings in the coming weeks. Among these events have been or will be:

· the upcoming middle and high school sports awards ceremonies;

· the middle school musical, Into the Woods;

· the first grade Learning Center, Funky Earth Café and block neighborhood;

· the second grade city constructions;

· the fourth grade immigration play;

· the eighth grade Sustainability, Day of Learning. On this day the eighth graders led workshops for all middle school students dealing with issues of sustainability. They also organized two assemblies featuring outside speakers;

· the seventh grade trip to Philadelphia and the eighth grade trip to Gettysburg and Washington, DC;

· the fifth grade Grecian Festival;

· the seventh grade’s mock Supreme Court hearings;

· the publication of IE, our literary magazine;

· Senior Project presentations;

· and ArtACTION, an exhibit of high school art, organized by senior Ella Suanders-Crivello, that will raise funds for a variety of causes. More information in each division’s blog;

and countless other moments taking place in each classroom and around the City.

For each student there will be many opportunities to demonstrate all that they have learned this year. For older students, there will be tests and quizzes and papers and presentations. For all there will be projects and events, including those listed above. Clearly, you will be invited to share in your child’s culminating events. There are also a number of events that are open to the whole community. Keep your eye on the blogs for more information. As a preK-12th grade school, among our most important culminating events are the publication of our college list (we will email it to you next week, once all decisions have been made) and, of course, Commencement—an essential event. Enjoy these opportunities to celebrate our students’ growth and learning and their many, many successes.

Happy culmination,


  • The school’s calendar can be accessed by clicking here.
  • Click here to view the 2008-2009 LREI Calendar.
  • For general LREI Athletics news go to this link . This page will provide general announcements, game summaries, league standings and season recaps.

Updates and Announcements:

1. Inspired by the art show at Synchronicity Arts, and the previous Broadway benefits, Senior Ella Saunders-Crivello, has put together a two-day event/art installation and benefit at a gallery space on Mercer Street. She is encouraging young artists from our school, Grades 9-12, to donate their favorite, original art pieces for purchase; 80% of the purchase price will be donated to one of four charities–the artist’s choice. The charities are Action against Hunger, Doctors without Borders, the Susan G. Komen For the Cure Foundation, and Sean Casey Animal Rescue, a no kill shelter in Brooklyn, NY. This event, ArtACTION, will take place on May 10 (opening reception, 3 PM-8 PM) and May 11 from 12 PM-8 PM, 7 Mercer Street, New York City. Please encourage your child to participate! For more information, feel free to contact Photography teacher, Susan Now, snow@lrei.org. She is collecting art pieces from participants in grades 9 through 11. Students in 12th Grade can submit directly to Ella. All pieces need to be framed.

2. The Second Annual Literary Magazine Publishing Party Coffeehouse is on May 17, 7 PM, Performing Arts Center.

3. Please join us for a terrific and important community event: Glass Menagerie and Friends — A TRIBUTE TO ROBERT DECORMIER. Sunday, May 4th at 3:00PM at St. Joseph’s Church on 6th Avenue and Washington Place (2 blocks below 8th St.) Tickets are $20 ($15 students/seniors). For information contact gmenagerie@yahoo.com.

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