Summer accomplishments

Dear Families,

Although the summer seems far away, I have to share some of the extraordinary things our faculty accomplished over the summer. What they accomplished says a lot about their dedication to education and their energy levels!

Our drama teacher, Meghan Astrachan, went to clown college (but has yet to reveal her red nose), and our art substitute and Chinese teacher, Guo-Qing Heaton, traveled to Japan to show her sculpture art to various galleries. Several faculty members went to Europe, one flew over Europe to trek the Himalayas, one to the French Alps, one to Russia, and a few instructors visited Wisconsin (for unrelated reasons!). A few of our teachers taught over the summer. History teacher Tom Murphy and English teacher Julia Heaton both taught for Prep for Prep, Vin Scialla taught at a music performance school, our dance teacher, Peggy Peloquin taught at the Governor’s Institutes of Vermont, math/science teacher Benjamin Rubin taught at 826 Valencia, author Dave Eggers tutoring program in San Francisco, and college counselor Jane Gabin taught at the very popular College Admission Prep Camp at UC Berkeley. Other teachers took classes. In addition to travelling to Japan, Guo-Qing also traveled to China to begin the process of Advanced Placement certification for Chinese, and Mark Bledstein, who begins his 40th year of teaching at LREI took classes at the University of Washington, the premier university for Asian Studies to study “Perspectives on the Modern,” and Ileana Jimenez went to the Iowa’s Writer’s Conference to begin her teaching memoir. While many of relaxed this summer, many faculty members worked. Susan Now, our photography teacher, traveled to Sri Lanka to shoot a cookbook and volunteered at a Cambodian orphanage for children with HIV/AIDS, our science chair, Preethi Thomas, worked at the Virginia Air and Space Museum in the military division. Our school nurse Joanne Gouge continued to develop her talents as a basket weaver, and math teacher Peter Bonfanti indulged his passion for bridge, by competing in a bridge tournament in Nashville. Other faculty members enjoyed internships, honeymoons, childbirth, childcare and recent engagements. After hearing about the travels, all of the stories and the good news, we feel we are a very lucky group, indeed.

The first few days of school revealed most interesting, individual and excited students. We are catching up with the students we know, and getting to know our newest members. All in all, school feels great and we are getting down to work. I invite you to stop by and take a look!

There are a few important calendar dates for families for the first few weeks of school.

Please note:

  • Monday, September 17, at 6:30 PM is Curriculum Night. Not only will you meet your child’s teachers, you will have the opportunity to learn more about Senior Systems, our internet based system used for student schedules, grades and comments, and directory information.
  • September 19 through September 21 is our annual 9th and 10th grade trip to Ramapo Outdoor Educational Center in Rhinebeck, New York. 9th grade will leave on Wednesday, 10th will leave on Thursday and all return on Friday by 1PM. We will dismiss 9th and 10th grade students upon return.
  • September 25, 6:30 PM is the 12th grade potluck, cafeteria.
  • October 2, 6:30 PM is the 9th grade potluck and meeting with our Student Wellness team.

More important announcements and dates are listed below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your child’s advisor or me.

All the best,


Updates and announcements:

  1. Beginning September 27, every Thursday through November 29, I will host a very informal morning coffee from 7:45 to 8:15 AM in the cafeteria.
  2. If you would like to be a parent rep, please contact Ronnie Halper, P’11 and Vice President of the Parent Association at
  3. Please take a look at the Parent Association Welcome Fair details!
  4. Our efforts to create a safe and inclusive community continue into the 2007-2008 school year. High School teacher, Ileana Jimenez received a summer grant to help implement a series of events exploring gender and sexuality. The Gender and Sexuality Series: What’s Next in the Conversation? begins this fall and will include book circles for faculty, film screenings, performances and guest speakers. There will be eight assemblies this year for high school students, beginning with keynote speaker, former NFL player Donald G. McPherson on September 27, 2007. There will be more about this series in next week’s blog.
  5. Class picture day is Friday, September 28, 2007! Parents will have the opportunity to purchase copies of the pictures through a photo sharing website. More information and link to come…
  6. From Sandra “Chap” Chapman, Director of Diversity and Community:

Dear Families,

I hope your and your child(ren) experienced a fulfilling first few days of school. I would like to inform you of our orientation session for families of children that are new to LREI.

LREI 101 will provide an in-depth, interactive, and engaging introduction to LREI, its mission, philosophy, and diversity initiatives. This orientation session will offer you an opportunity to understand our core values as you begin to take part in activities that help you become a member of the LREI community.

LREI 101 will be held on Wednesday, October 3 from 8:45am – 10am at 272 Sixth Avenue, and then again on Thursday, October 11 from 6:30pm – 8:00pm at 40 Charlton Street. Please contact the receptionist at 212-477-5316 to let us know which session you will attend. Contact me either by phone (x294), or by e-mail, if you have questions about LREI 101.

I look forward to further discussions with you about LREI.


Sandra (Chap) Chapman

Director of Diversity & Community

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