ED Tech Department Meeting

Submitted by: Clair Segal

Ed Tech: 

We discussed: 

  1. Our work in the past through a DEI lens
    1. A one to one program versus BYOD and the role equity plays in that
    2. Our tech efforts during the pandemic in working alongside Jacob to make sure all students have adequate wifi and tech access during LREI@home
    3. Discussions with students around
      1. Big Data and how it uses grouping to artificially perpetuate stereotypes and assumptions about groups (recommended reading: Automating Inequality by Virginia Eubanks)
      2. Photoshop ethics and how whiteness is perpetuated as a beauty standard around the world and how that’s problematic
      3. How there are few people of color in programming and why that’s a problem (Google and Apple not being able to recognize faces of color; facial recognition as a whole being biased; police facial recognitions having false-positives.) 
      4. Yearbook and representation– what do we do/what does it mean when the cover has all white superheros
  2. Our plan going forward into this year: 
    1. Joy- Being scheduled in departmental meetings in the HS has been great and a big help to understanding their curricular projects as they unroll and being able to have a hand in them from the beginning. Additionally, finding videos and making a conscious effort to show how-to and explanation videos that represent non-cis, non-white experts explaining a topic.
    2. Clair- Using access to other classes as an integrator to support and work towards debiasing our capstone projects. This work is also being supported by Ana and the MS plan to have smaller groups that focus on including restorative justice and debiasing the curriculum.
    3. Celeste- Examining the texts used in class for things like copy and pasting, typing practice, etc; in the past it’s been Dr. Seuss– what other authors and non-white, non-cisgendered examples can we use? 
  3. Ongoing DEI concerns
    1. Joy- it seems our students of colors are disproportionately represented in the remote contingent of students. What does that mean? And are we best serving their needs at home? 
    2. Would it be possible to get two additional copies of Automating Inequality purchased by the school? 

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