Category: Segal

Egyptian Tomb Website

I liked coding my website because I could make it my own even though it has facts in it I could customize it. I didn’t like putting in pictures because you can’t resize them and that can effect what your website looks like.

I learned how to open and close code.

Something I struggled with is putting in bullet points but then I figured it out.

I would like to do this again because it was fun and interesting to do because you can make the website your own.


My tech infographic

One fact that I learned is that to commemorate the centennial on Friday, shops and eateries will price their goods as if it were 1913 that means a 6-sent loaf of rye bread. One skill that I learned is to place photos in illustrator and getting them big and small. I think it will be useful if I draw a picture and I want text to be on it without handwriting it by myself. I enjoyed this project because it made me explore more. I would like to use Photoshop and Illustrator again because I really like making a picture more than what you see. Like zooming in on one part of a picture. I would like to do infographics again because I think they teach you a lot while letting you see what you are learning about. What I found difficult was changing colors and changing text. I enjoyed cropping photos in Photoshop.

Scratch Reflection


I think my game turned out really well because I was very focused while I was doing it. Also my friend Izzy helped me a lot because some of the things that she knew I didn’t. Something I struggled with was making it ask a question with the answer equal what it actually spells. Because in the beginning it would ask the question and if you got it wrong it would say nice job. Something I am proud of is that they don’t all say there’s lines at the same time. They wait for there turn.

Summer Book Review

imgresThe name of this book is The name of this book is a secret. The author of this books name is Pseudonymous Bosch. The main characters in my book are Cass and Max-Ernest. The main problem in my book is that Ms. Mauvais and Dr. L are looking for the magician’s notebook that has the secret they are looking for inside.


An event that changed the direction of the story is when Cass and Max-Ernest became friends because Cass no longer was by herself she had a collaborator. Cass makes a big decision by going to the Midnight Sun. The problem of the story does not get resolved but Cass and Max-Ernest escape from Ms. Mauvais and Dr. L search. “As the limousine crashed through the spa gates Ms. Mauvais clenched her fist tin frustration” page 309.


I love this book. I like this book because it is a fast book and I like fast books. Also because it is a interesting book and I don’t like boring books. Also because all of the  events go right into each other and I like that. I think this book is good for a mysterious reader because there are a lot of mysteries they have to solve. I rate this five out of five stars I think everyone should read it.