Category: Hahn

French Activities

In french we studied cognates witch are words that sound and look the same in french and English. We also learned about days of the week, months, colors, food items and pronunciation. In french we did worksheets we learned numbers. We also watched videos about colors and about numbers. We played games in french such as bingo and in that game we had a sheet of numbers and it was really fun because I know numbers pretty well. We also did this activity were we labeled a Halloween sheet with colors and additives in french. Some activity that I really liked were bingo because I have really good memory and you have to remember numbers to get a bingo, although I never won because I always had a bad sheet but it was so awesome. Sharyn is an awesome teacher she really thought me a lot and I never thought I would know any french because I am not that good at knowing other languages she is also so so so nice.