Category: Demster

Segway Zoetrope


Question 1: What is happening your zoetrope?


Answer: In my zoetrope there is a person in it and it is riding a segway and then it sees a sign that says no segways.


Question 2: Did you like this project why or why not?


Answer: I like this project because I like to draw and there is a lot of drawing involved with zoetropes. I also liked it because you can draw whatever you are feeling.


Question 3: Is this an example of your best work why or why not?


Answer: I think it is my best work because I spent a lot of time on it.


Question 4: How, if at all, will you work differently in your next project.


Answer: I think the next project I will work more efficiently because I think I talked to much when I did this project.