January 30

My Learning Habit (Update)

Recently, I think I have been doing well at collaborating with other people. I do still have to work on it because sometimes the group project I’m working on becomes mine because I am so worried about the final grade like in the Colonial museum for instance. I got very worried about the final grade and I didn’t do such a great job at listening to my group mates’ ideas. I need to work on not getting so nervous about what the final grade will be and focus on how to make it the best for everyone. I think that will make it a better year for me.

December 8

2017-2018 Learning Values

This year I am focusing on collaboration. I am focusing on this because when I work with other people it really helps me learn better especially when I am working in a smaller group. It helps me expand on my ideas and understand the material better. I want to focus on this in subjects like Humanities, Math, and Science because sometimes I have trouble thinking through the material completely. I think focusing on this is going to really help me for the rest of the year.

November 12

Eye Value Drawing


This is my eye drawing. In art class, we have been working on looking at the value of things and this is one of them. We started by taking pictures close up pictures of our eyes and making them black and white. Then we started to outline where out eye was, and iris and pupil and eyelid. Then we started shading using six pencils that were all different shades and it took a couple weeks. After finishing my eye drawing I think I could have made the eye look a little more realistic by lightening up the reflection and making the shadowing look a little less streaky.

Category: Art, Seventh | LEAVE A COMMENT
June 4

You Can’t Catch Me

You Can’t Catch Me

By Stella Story

I’ve made it!

I’ve done it!

I broke through the barriers

Through the people trying to hold me back

Through the stereotypes that pushed me backwards

Through all the people who said I couldn’t

Through the rules

Through the regulations

Through what everyone thought about me

And though you may try

You can’t catch me

June 4

On Top Of The World

On Top Of The World

By Stella Story

From all the way up here

The people Look like ants

From all the way up here

The Buildings look like children’s toys

From all the way up here

The trees look like twigs

I could snap with my bare hands

All the way up here

All my worries disappear

All the way up here

Everything goes away

And I am left

On the iron bars

With my paint can and my brush

And myself

With nothing else

June 4

Her Floating House

Her Floating House

By Stella Story

Her house floated up

Up, up into the blue

She was inside the house

With her husband

And her cats

They didn’t realize that they were no longer where I was

On the ground

They were still rocking in their chairs

Back and forth, back and forth

Inside their ancient house

With it’s paint chipping away

Their clothes still out on the line

She was reading a book

Little Women

And he was whittling

Up, up went the house

The house She had lived in all her life

Up, Up, Up they went

So far that no one could see them anymore

“George Dear, Where is the floor?”

May 31

The Desert

The Desert

By Stella Story

When the blind man arrived in the city,

He claimed that he had travelled across a desert of living sand.

He told of us shifting dunes and of it moving like water,

He told us of great big monsters created from the winds,

and then destroyed the very same way.

He told us of walls that held him back but set him free.

He told us of dark pits of nothing but cries from below.

He told us of whispers and secrets that were lost in the dust.

When the blind man left the city,

He claimed he would see us again.

May 31

In My Cell

In my cell

By Stella Story

Come into my cell, make yourself at home

Oh, don’t sit there, you can’t

I can’t either

It does look comfy doesn’t it

I’ve been here since the beginning of time

Yet almost no time at all

I have seen everything and nothing

I can’t remember the last time I saw sunlight

I assume it was millennia ago

It may have been when I first came

Before they chained the door forever

When I was still a child

A child who didn’t know better but to follow

Follow the men who lead me here

And wouldn’t let me go


May 24


Disclaimer: This poem is not about my actual father!



By Stella Story

He came home. Said nothing

He dropped his briefcase on the floor,

For my mother to clean up

He took of his jacket and threw it on the sofa,

For my brother to hang up

He sat down next to his coat

Kicked off his shoes.

In two different directions

For me to pick up

He got up and left

Locked himself in his office

In the office he hid in when

He felt threatened.

Usually by his boss

We were never allowed in the office

He loved it more than he loved us.

He didn’t come out for dinner

My mother had to bring it to him

He didn’t come out for dessert

My brother had to bring it to him

He didn’t take the dog out when the dog needed to go

I had to clean it up

He didn’t come with us

As we walked down the street

Into the purple and pink light of the sunset

He promised me we would play baseball

As soon as he got home

From from work

The same work he was always complaining about

So I played by myself

Instead of with him

Like I always did

Because even though father wasn’t at work anymore

He was never really home