May 9

Letter to Rifdah from Shabanu

Dear Rifdah,


I am Shabanu, a Muslim girl from Pakistan. I am a nomad and I just watched your documentary on the Koran by Heart! You were amazing! Your voice was beautiful and you don’t even speak Arabic! I wish I could do something as amazing as that, but I am set to get married to my cousin Murad next year. At least he’s handsome!! I first saw him a couple days ago and he has broad shoulders and a deep set square jaw. He has perfect hands! They’re as wide as a camel’s foot! And he has kind eyes, they are serious too, but mostly kind!


I live in the desert with my beautiful sister Phulan, Mama, grumpy Auntie, my two annoying little cousins and Dadi. Dadi is the one who has chosen for me to marry Murad. My sister was supposed to marry his brother Hamir, but Hamir died from a gunshot and we are still in mourning. I am not sure that Phulan will ever be the same again, her silky black hair is now in a mess and her perfect face has gone pale.


You’re lucky you have lots of people in your country, I am stuck traveling with just 6. There are more people in my country of course, there are actually 201,995,540 people in my country but I am stuck with just 6 of them. And you can imagine how sick of them you could get if you rarely saw anyone but them. But 392,960 people in a country is still a lot of people, and you actually get to see them, they’re not just a number to you! I bet you don’t get sick of them often.


I heard that your father wants you to be a housewife instead of a scientist which is what you want to do. I would like to know what it would be like to be educated, especially in math in science! But, our goal in the desert is to have many babies, preferably boys, because girls cannot provide. That is why one of my goals in life is to have babies with Murad and provide for my family that I will start to build next year when the wedding has ended. My sister says I am strange because I help Dadi with the camels and all the “men’s work” but we do not have any brothers and Phulan is much too pretty to have to stand out in the sweating sun caring for smelly camels! Mama says that Phulan and I are better than seven sons but I’m not so sure I believe her when she says that. Sometimes she gets this sad look on her face and looks pained, like she’s thinking really hard. I hate to think that by being born a girl I have burdened this family even more by not being a breadwinner, and that is why I will act like a boy as much as I can as long as I can. Of course, that behavior must stop when I am married because I am to be the perfect wife, quiet, timid, able to bear sons and able to cook, sew and care for children. Do you know how to cook, sew and care for children? I do mostly, but I am still learning!


I am worried for my family, my sister is no longer betrothed to anyone, Mama and Dadi will soon grow old like grandfather, Auntie is always grumpy and isn’t in a state to help out right now, yesterday, she lost her son while he was still in her stomach. I will not be married for another year and it is impossible to keep track of Auntie’s two little boys.


Now that I have told you all about my life, I would like to know a little about yours. I have always wanted to go to Cairo but I am almost certain I will never get the chance to. But… what is it like? Is it beautiful? Is it crowded? Is it perfect? Will you ever go back? Do you want to go back? Does your father want to you to go back ever? Can you teach me the Koran? It sounds so beautiful! I wish I could meet you in person but I am sure you have more important things to do, like studying the Koran even more, so I will leave you alone.





May 9

Paths Crossing

In art we are starting our final project of the year where we get a subway map of New York City and we have to change it some way to show our unique experience of the city. I have chosen to cut up my map into strips so that I can paper mache them around a balloon, so it turns into kind of a globe shape thing. Then once it dries I will take pieces of string cut at random lengths and glue them on in random patterns across the “globe” to represent people’s paths crossing through life. I hope that when people look at my piece they will take away the fact that if our paths cross, it doesn’t matter who you are or where you are the paths will cross anyway. I am really excited to get to create a project that has almost no guidelines and I am curious to see how my plan changes as I go along.

Category: Art, Demster | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 6

Phulan’s Blog

Asalaam-o-Alaikum, it’s Phulan and welcome back to my advice blog where I teach you things that are helpful in everyday life! Today I will teach you how to deal with annoying younger siblings . First of all, I have a little sister named Shabanu who is not betrothed to anyone and she gets to just roam around like a boy would. Shabanu gets to help Dadi with the camels and everything that he does while I must sit in our sweaty hut with Auntie and her sons who do nothing entertaining. My advice for you is to just act interested in whatever thing they’re telling you even if it’s not interesting at all and then they will leave you alone faster than if you told them it wasn’t interesting! Sometimes Shabanu sometimes tells me that I am self-centered and she is wrong! I am not self-centered I am just pretty and I think everyone should know that! You can also tell them that Mama or Dadi needs them even if they don’t and they-being gullible- will go and find them and that will get them away from you for a little while. Also, you can just make up excuses of things that you need to do so that they can’t follow you. Those are just a few ways you can make your annoying younger siblings stop annoying you and I hope these tips help you!

May 6

Phulan’s Blog!

Asalaam-o-Alaikum, it’s Phulan and welcome back to my advice blog where I teach you things that are helpful for everyday life! Today I will teach you how to make Chapatis. My family makes chapatis all the time because we have access to the ingredients here in the desert. They are super easy to make and also will make an annoying little sister quiet. Especially if you have a sister like Shabanu who is always trying to help but just makes things worse! Anyway, the ingredients you will need are flour, hot water, salt and oil. Mix the flour and salt together and then add the water and oil into the bowl and mix it with a wooden spoon so that it becomes dough. Then you are going to want to put flour over the dough so that it is not so sticky and separate in into 10 parts, or how ever many you want. Let it rest for a little while so don’t make this too close to dinner time, or else people will get impatient. I never get impatient but other people do. Then heat up your pan over the fire and pour just a little more oil into it. Roll out your balls of dough flat and put them into the pan and cook them on each side until there are little brown spots on each side. And there you go, a really easy recipe to make something that’s super delicious. This is my mother’s recipe and she is teaching me all kinds of things like this because I am now betrothed to my cousin Hamir and I am to be a good housewife and know what to do. I am to know how to cook and sew and care for children so that I am the perfect wife. I hope that this recipe helps you make delicious chapatis!

April 20


Last night (4/19/17) we had our guilds! Over the course of 6th grade we have been studying medieval life and we learned about all different guild types. Then we were sorted into our guilds, and I was put in the Medicine guild. I chose to be a bonesetter apothecary. On the night of the guild we had already done a dress rehearsal for the 5th graders and we were all set and ready to go at our stations in our rooms.I had a lot of herbs laid out on my table as well as some recipes, aloe plants, cooked apples, pieces of felt and wooden dowels. At about 6:10 people started to pour into our room picking out their ailments and wandering around the room. At some points I had 6 or 7 people crowded around my small desk toughing my props and knocking over things but that only helped me get more into character. I had a monologue rehearsed and ready to go, but I found myself only using it on about two customers. By the end of the night I had come up with a completely knew monologue that I had memorized and I used that one instead. It worked much better than the original because it was shorter and I could put more energy into it also. As I stood behind my desk I felt my feet grow tired and my neck grow hot but the rest of my body was feeling more and more confident and excited. At the beginning of the night I felt like I was Stella Story, but by the end I felt like Agnes Grimmoult.

April 11

Nervous System



In Science we are learning about the Nervous System


The nervous system is a very, very important system in the human body because it is the part of the body that tells your arms and legs to move, your eyes to blink and your mouth to form words. It lets the body feel things, if you stub your toe or get tickled the reason you can feel it is because of the nervous system. The two main parts of the nervous system are the brain, and the spinal cord. The brain is located inside of your skull and your spinal cord is a bundle of nerves surrounded by bones called vertebrae. When you touch something, a neuron is stimulated. It creates an electrical impulse that travels from neuron to neuron using chemicals called neurotransmitters. Did you know that in the time it takes for you to say misisipi three times, an electrical impulse could travel across a football field and back? We would like to learn more about some of the diseases associated with the nervous system and what causes them.


Category: Science | LEAVE A COMMENT
April 8


For this trimester in music we have been exploring each other’s compositions in small groups of five or six. We were split up into three groups and each group chose two classmate’s pieces to work on. Then, we practiced separately and together until we had a finished piece with each of us playing an instrument we were comfortable playing with. We performed this in front of our class and here is a video of my group’s performance:

Group6 from LREI on Vimeo.


April 3

Spring Break

Over Spring Break I learned that I have a really hard time with transitions. I have always known that transitions are hard for me but it came up with this break especially because we had so many. There are big transitions which are usually very hard for me and small transitions. Small transitions like going from one place to another used to be hard for me, but it has gotten easier as I have done it more and more. But this year was especially hard, because even though most of the transitions were just short transitions, I was leaving behind people and places I love. I knew that I needed to change something about my mindset during transitions when I started to have a very minor panic attack in the back of the car while driving away from one of my favorite places in the world. I started to hyperventilate and become lightheaded and it felt like my stomach was tying itself into a knot and then untying it and tying it again. Right then was when I chose to  change what it did and thought during transitions like those. Now, during each transition instead of thinking negative things that will just make me stress more, I am going to think positive things or things that might help me when I am feeling sad or stressed about leaving somewhere or doing some thing new. I hope this will make me less nervous before a transition and more able to focus on more important things.

March 13

French Trimester Comment

In French this year we have been learning a lot about adjectives and verbs. I like writing in French and have been getting better at it as the year progresses. I am also getting better at spelling in French because I know more about the rules in the French language. I am having some challenges in side conversations and calling out, but I am working on getting better at those. Some goals I would like to set for myself are being more prepared for class and participating more. Sharyn can help me participate more by calling on me when I have my hand raised. My favorite project that we’ve done so far was my Sacre Coeur model because I really like independent work. I would like to do more projects especially making a video or animation of some kind.   


February 27

Weekly Drawings

This year in Art class we have been doing something called a weekly drawing. Every week we have to pick an idea off of a list that we were given and then draw it. An example might be: What does the world look like from a frog’s perspective? Find a picture on the internet, print it out, cut it in half, paste half to your notebook and then draw the other half. Things like that. We got sketchbooks in our first or second class of the year and we have been doing one each week ever since.

Here is one that I am proud of:

I chose this one because I spent a lot of time observing the patterns on the wings and trying to replicate them on the other side.