Category: Classes

Eye Drawing

The eye project so far has been really fun to make. It has made me a lot better at sing different pencils and with a blending stump. I think that my eye drawing looks really realistic and I am very happy with it so far. The final part is completing the eyelashes which is no doubt the hardest. Especially in my case since I have so many. For my eye drawing to be really good I need to make sure that every eyelash has a beginning and an end.  Otherwise they don’t look real and then it seems like you are just scribbling. Every eyelash is dark at the beginning and lighter at the end, the thickness also changes. It makes the eyelash blend into the illusion more. I would not change anything in the pupil because it looks real. I would change what I had already done with the eyelashes. I thought that since I have so many i could scribble but I can’t since it does not look real. I would change some of the shading and make it a little darker outside of the eye. Other than that I think my eye looks good.


When You Don’t want Change…

This image is from: here.

I don’t want things to change, I don’t want to grow older. I don’t want to marry anyone! But, sadly all of these things are happening. I am growing older, I just lost Guluband, and now we have to go to see Hamir and go to the marriage of Phulan and him. I fear that very soon, too soon the person in the beautiful gown will be me. “But at the center of my self is an aching hole. With Guluband, my joy, my freedom, all of who I am has gone. I wonder if I will take pleasure in anything ever again.” Page 63. By now I have learned that I must move on from thigns like losing Guluband. Even though he is not here at the moment, he still has a place in my heart. Though, a more pressing concern remains. With Phulan getting married, and us only separated by a year, I will soon be married. I don’t want to be controlled by any man no matter how beautiful they are. I want to be free like Fatima. That just makes me more scared. I am slowly learning that I must get married. It is just a tradition that I must follow. But, I don’t want to be married, will I get beaten like Fatima. I have so many unanswered questions. Well, I must have to look on the bright side, maybe I will have a good husband, like mama and dadi. Finally, I know that during this part of my life, many things will change. Losing Guluband is just the first of many changes. If I will continue in my life, I must let change happen. God will make everything go the right way as long as I can live with change. This skill is something that I must have for the rest of my life and now, it is the most pressing concern that I have.

When You Lose Your Husband…

This image is from: here

As you know, sadly I have recently lost my husband. At first when Phulan lost her old husband she was super sad. “Phulan takes some milk tea, the first time in two days she drunk or eaten. The skin under her eyes is bruised from crying.” Page 179. I obviously thought this would happen because you are losing your husband. Then, when we get back to the house the adults are talking what to do now that Phulan at first she does not want to come out of the room. But then when they tell her who she is marrying, she looks so happy and delighted. This is the moment when she finds out that she is marrying Murad and I am marrying a 55 year old man with 3 other wives. That seems fair, right. Then the truth dawns on me, that Phulan wanted Murad all along. At first I am mad at Phulan , I think I have a right to be. This was because she wanted revenge on me. She was saying HA I took your husband. Now you have to marry a 55 year old man. But, now I have realized this is the way God wanted things to happen. Also, Sharma has shown me I have an option. It may not be the best one, but I do have an option. Hopefully I can use this option of saying I don’t want to marry Rahim and going to Sharma without any consequences, but I fear that is impossible. I must forgive my sister as if I had lost my husband, I would want to have revenge on someone. To show my true feelings. So, if you lose a husband, don’t lose hope because this was the way God wanted it to happen.

April Current Events

There has recently been trillions of pieces of plastic found in the arctic ocean. This is bad for the already horrible situation about the melting arctic. Since ice is melting in the arctic ocean, it could soon become a major shipping route increasing the plastic pollution to even higher levels! Researchers know that soon the arctic ocean will become more polluted and sadly, they don’t know if there is anything we can do about it. The plastic is mostly between .5 and 12.6 millimeters. 0.5 millimeters is half of the width of a dime! So, it is very hard to take this plastic out of the ocean. There are not that many large pieces of plastic in the arctic ocean. Those plastics break down faster than the very small plastics. This either means people in the arctic have already been polluting the oceans (which is definitely not true). This means the currents have brought the plastic up to the arctic. This is important to us because president Trump does not believe in climate change. This will only make the problem worse so we must try to help make this problem better. Things such as going to the climate march may help to at least try and make the situation better. Earth Day has just passed which should make you more aware of the situation at hand. We all need to help fight this problem otherwise our president will destroy all of the work we have done over the past decade.

The link to the article is here.


My name for guilds was Abadi Dahab and I was a Muslim man in Baghdad. These fifth graders are listening to my monologue. This was really fun because we did not have to memorize our monologue we just had some bullet points about what the main things that we had to talk about. Also, as you can see it was fun to make the costume I was wearing because you got to think like a Muslim man.

Music Performance

group3 from LREI on Vimeo.

During this performance I played the piano. We played Clarissa’s piece for this performance. Clarissa’s melody was surprisingly easy though it was really nice and very catchy. I had the melody  very quickly. I still like this melody and like to play it all the time if sometimes I have nothing to do.

The Digestive System By: Clarissa and Sam

The overall function of the digestive system is to take in the nutrients of the food we eat into our body and discard the waste. Lipase is used to digest fats there are three different types of lipase even though they all do the same thing. There is lipase (mouth) gastric lipase (stomach) and pancreatic lipase (pancreas).There are also two different types of amylase for carbs. There is amylase (mouth) and pancreatic amylase (pancreas). Something that confused us was that the small intestine is actually longer than the large intestine even though it was given these names. While the large intestine is only about 1.5 meters the small intestine is actually about 7 meters long! We want to know more about the wall of the stomach because we know it is very intricate. It just has so many layers maybe to protect the rest of your body from the hydrochloric acid? I wonder why the top of the stomach has indentations on the top called gastric pits?        

The Mummy Exhibit During Spring Break

During my spring break I stayed in New York. Another activity I did was going  to the mummy exhibit Natural History museum. The mummy exhibit was interesting because I have never learned about mummies before. I also learned that mummification was practiced in ancient Peru. Surprisingly, the mummies from two different continents looked the same (Egypt and Peru). They seemed like they were wrapped the same way. They were so many different mummies in the exhibit! Every single display case had at least one mummy. I also learned that scientists are just understanding the extent that mummies can teach us. They can show how the person died and the gender of the mummy. There were many instances where the mother was mummified with the baby in a bundle. I thought that mummification was only for the rich such as the kings and queens of Egypt. Mummification did take a long time. A lot of it was not from the process of taking out organs but to prepare the materials for the mummy. This includes what the mummy was wrapped in. For a king or queen you had to build a tomb sometimes under the sand. I am sure that would take a long time considering the technology for building at the time. Though, I don’t know what that technology was such as if they had pulley systems and what materials they had to make tools out of. This was all new information to me and thus why it was interesting.

Humanities Comment on Islam Vocab

I think this poster has some good artwork in it and shows the definition of pilgrimage well. It also has extra information including that Medina used to be called Yathrib. These posters were all describing Islamic vocabulary including but not limited to sura, oasis, and minaret.

French 2nd Trimester Comment


One of my strengths is my speaking and my accent. This is because I hear many people speaking french like my mom all of the time. Another strength is writing sentences. A final strength for me is using vocab in our sentences. A challenge for me is in remembering vocab Another challenge for me is idioms. A goal for me is to be able to remember not to think that you always translate literally in French. Another goal is not forgetting vocab after I learn it. Sometimes once I pass a test on some vocab I forget some of it. Sharyn can help me with my goal of not forgetting vocab. She can help me by maybe giving us other projects that require us to use vocabulary from earlier in the year to see if we remember. My favorite type of activity this year in French was making our models on the monuments in France like when I created the catacombs along with the slideshow project. I would like to do a project like the one we did with the model of the monuments in Paris. We could do something like this with other monuments or something else.  I would like to do this again because it is really fun to make models and still learn about Paris. Maybe we can do this with like a model map of something like the Paris metro map. One other thing I want Sharyn to know is that I have family in France and my grandfather survived the holocaust in France and then came to America.


Here is the link to the recap.

The recap is me saying what is in the doc I am linking below. I think this is my best work, one because I actually planned this recap out. I put the paper up so that I would remember what to say. I also spent a lot of time on the doc. I edited the paper a lot and spent a lot of time on the adjectives. I think this recap also shows the expanse of the adjectives that I know, BAGS or not.

I am also linking to the doc that is the writing of what I said in the recap.

This is what I read in the recap. I spent a lot of time on this trying not to be repetitive with the BAGS adjectives. There were only so many that I could chose from, but I think I made good use of the adjectives I did have. I also think that this shows how I can make sentences using adjectives and nouns. It also shows that I remembered the vocab from the beginning of the year when we studied BAGS adjectives. Finally, this doc shows that I create sentences using vocab that makes sense with my grammar skills including BAGS. This is because as we know BAGS adjectives come before the noun, but other adjectives come after.