Summer Homework

Book Posts:

The Edge Chronicles, Beyond the Deepwoods is a book by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell which is the first of it’s series. The story follows Twig, a kid in the deepwoods who does not look like the wood-trolls in his village so he is not liked. When Twig becomes old enough his mother tells him that he has to leave and find somewhere else to go because his mom says he is not actually his real mother. Shocking twist! Anyways, while Twig is roaming around in the deepwoods to go to his cousin (which is where his mother told him to go) he hears someone’s cry for help. It turns out it is a slaughterer! He helps out the slaughterer and he brings him to his village. He stays there for a night and then has to leave. Though, a village elder gives him a banderbear coat. Next, he figures out he is not on the path anymore and winds up at a caterbirds hatching. The caterbird says he will watch over Twig forever. After that he winds up getting eaten by a bloodoak, and burped out. Then, he winds up following some gyle goblins into the den underground. He then meets this lady which makes honey for the gyle goblins. Her name is the grossmother and no, she is not a regular lady, oh no, she is 10 feet tall and extremely obese! Anyways, things like this keep happening like when he meets the banderbear who eventually gets killed. But, Twig is walking through the forest and suddenly he looks up… there is a sky ship falling! Sky ships fly because if you burn wood from the deepwoods it makes things float. Anyways, the thing in the middle of the ship which is basically a rock is needed for the ship to fly. If it is not hot it starts to shrink and if you lose it, your ship will not fly. Twig, knows where the rock fell so when the pirates come, he tells them where it is and he earns a place on the ship. Later on the ship, the captain is telling a story about how he could not support his son and left him at a woodtroll village with his shawl wrapped around him. Twig still has that shawl and the captain describes one just like it. The captain and his son are reunited, vows never to desert him again yay! Story over! Not just yet. Twig has a dream that the the gloamglozer (a monster in all of childrens nightmares) tells Twig that he could become one! He twigs Twig by showing that he has helped him. Twig tries to join him and, well, he starts falling for a very long time until… the caterbird comes along and drops him on the ship. Yes, the same one Twig watched the hatching of.

In the end The Edge Chronicles Beyond the Deepwoods is a book that shows many influential topics such as not fitting in. Though, it still is a exciting story to read and your always wondering what will happen next!

Regular Posts:

One of the things I was doing this summer was building this model of a early 19th century wagon. To start out, all you had were 4 wheels, 4 nails, and a lot of specifically cut pieces of wood. there were a list of instructions but, really we did not follow the instructions. We just looked at the picture of it and started building from there. First we started connecting the first pieces with elmers glue but realized, it would not dry fast enough. Then, I started using super glue because it would it would dry faster. Me and my dad continued building until I realized the pieces of wood were very dry and that if they would be sprayed with water, it would help the glue. After I finished a good amount of the wagon. Me and my dad started working on the wheels and the axles. This was one of the easiest parts because all you had to do was hold a piece of wood steady and nail in the wheels. Finally, after the wagon itself was done, me and my dad glued on the axles and wheels. That was when me and my dad had finished the wagon. You could actually get it to move around! The first picture shows me holding the first two pieces after the were glued together. I am holding it steady so the glue can dry. Next picture shows me opening the bag and laying out all of the pieces (this was supposed to be before the first one). The third picture shows me and my dad nailing a wheel into a piece of wood. The fourth picture shows me with the wheels separate from the rest of  the wagon that we had already built. This shows that all we had left to do was glue on the wheels to the rest of the wagon. This leads into the final picture which shows me with the completed wagon.

One of the things that I made this summer was strawberry ice cream. Really, what I did was make vanilla ice cream and than put purred strawberries into it. Keep in mind that strawberries’ water content may make the ice cream not be ice cream any more. For me it kind of turned into ice milk. The timeline of making strawberry ice cream can vary if you used a different recipe than I did. Strawberry ice cream for me took about 30 minutes to make the base. Than, cool down the finalized base to room temperature and put in the freezer until it reaches 40 degrees F or lower (This can take 4-8 hours). Than, you may put it in an ice cream machine to churn it. Keep in mind before this step you are making vanilla ice cream. During the process of churning the ice cream you add the strawberry puree. Then, I guess you could eat it out of the machine but, if you want it to turn into ice cream (or more like ice milk for me) put it in the freezer overnight. Get the recipe and steps to make vanilla ice cream at There are some pictures of me making the vanilla ice cream base. The first picture shows me separating the egg whites from the egg yolks. The second picture shows me mixing the ice cream base so it does not burn.

During the summer many interesting things have happened. Some of them I have written about as posts but even some, I have not. A small piece of my summer would consist of, making ice cream, making models, going to French camp, even some additional ones like learning how to throw a frisbee. As you can see, my summer was very full so that means that there are too many things for me to write about everything. So, as a compromise, I will explain some of the highlights of my summer. The first one being, you guessed it, model making.

Model making can be a very long process. The one I built though, you could do with some specifically cut wood, super glue, and a small spray bottle. If you want to see the step by step process of making the model, I can direct you to it. You need the super glue so that you can connect the pieces quickly, if you use regular glue, it takes to long to dry. WARNING: If you are going to use super glue, be careful, it takes a very long time to get of your fingers. Finally, you need a small spray bottle so that you can spray the wood with water. The reason for doing this is because it helps the wood bend more. Did you know super glue does not actually dry, it sets? This is because super glue is not like regular glue which drys when the water evaporates. Super glue dries because of a chemical reaction between itself and the surface you are applying it to. A good thing about building models is that when you are done you are very excited because you spent all this time working on it and now you get to see the finished model.

Another thing I did during this summer was making ice cream (or in my case more like ice milk). It can be very hard to make ice cream depending on how you like it. If you like soft serve you can eat when it comes out of the machine. But, if you are like me, then it can be a little harder because you have to freeze the ice cream after it comes out of the machine. The reason my ice cream turned into ice milk was because I tried to make strawberry ice cream. Strawberries have some water in it and that is why I believe ice crystals formed and turned the ice cream into ice milk. Yeah, you thought making ice cream was easy, no, there are a lot of parts to it. First you have to make the ice cream base which consists of: 2 cups whole milk, 3/4 granulated sugar, 1/4 inch piece of vanilla bean, just the seeds, 6 large eggs, just the yolks, and finally, 1 cup heavy cream. If you want make strawberry ice cream with this recipe when ice cream is in the machine put in about a cup of strawberry puree. If you want to know the steps to making vanilla ice cream go to this website: If you go through all of the work of making any flavor of ice cream, it is definitely worth it at the end. This is because you know that you made it and now you get to eat it. In addition to that, now you can say that, “I have made and eaten my own ice cream!” 

During the summer I have done many different things. Additionally to that topic I went to LA and in Los Angeles I did many different things. Some things I did in California were: going to the natural history museum, taking swimming lessons, and going to the LACMA (Los Angeles Museum of Art) specifically the rain room. This was only a slice of what I did in California but it is some of the highlights. First of all, the natural history museum, in which I went to see an exhibit about dinosaurs. Personally, I think that our museum of natural history here in New York was better than theirs. The funny thing is actually that the exhibit about dinosaurs there was that it was set up by our natural history museum in New York! That was weird… Anyways, swimming lessons was a highlight of my trip because I really got a lot better at the backstroke and the freestyle. Also, I learned the breath stroke, which I am pretty good at (considering I only learned it in 10 minutes).  Lastly on the swimming topic, I have tried to do the butterfly, which I have actually gotten pretty good at! At the end of the California topic comes the LACMA and/or the rain room. The LACMA is a museum that can really be comparable to the MET in the exhibitions. I really liked most of the art work that was on display there. There were many, many pieces by an artist who really made you like farther into her pieces. They were literally fancy graphs… not kidding. In addition there were many big pieces of artwork such as probably the most intricate toy train set you will ever see. Sadly, it wasn’t running when I was there :(. Finally… the thing you were all waiting for… the rain room! Yeah, you have no idea what I am talking about. Well, the rain room is basically a room where in most of the area, it is raining. It gets better. If you try to walk into the rain, it stops raining! If you manage to get to the center, all around you it will be raining, but not on you! This is probably done using weight detection and motion sensors. If you like art and you are in LA, do yourself a favor, go to the LACMA! It is a great experience and you will get to look at some great art! Who doesn’t like that? 

In Conclusion, my summer was filled with so many things! Hopefully you could try some of the things I did this summer. Whether it was doing an activity e.g. building a model. Or it was making something like ice cream. Or rather just small things like going to the park or the beach. As you can see, even though summer went by very quickly, during the time that I did have, I have done many, many different activities. Even some of them will be remembered for a long time.

One comment

  1. Julia Wilson

    Sam, it sounds like you had a very creative summer, building models and making ice cream. Strawberry is actually my favorite flavor when making home made ice cream. Did you take French before in school, or was French camp your first experience with the language?

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