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Science: Cellular Representation

This was my project with Xander. We tested a lot of people, seeing if they ate breakfast, didn’t eat breakfast, or ate an unhealthy breakfast. We timed them when they were running and see how much the time was before they got tired. We graphed the data, and then we saw that eating a healthy breakfast helps you have more energy later in the day. This project was really fun because it was fun to run with them at the park while timing them. I also learned that I should now start eating healthy breakfasts! 

Art 10-Circle Grid Project

This is my art piece. What we had to do was draw our design on a 10-circle grid, then cut out our different shapes, and then put it back together in any design that you want. My design was to make a diamond, and then put an R in it. The top one is complete, and the bottom one is half. I liked this project because I liked using the X-acto knife to cut out all the shapes.

Art #2

This project was to find a face on the internet and then draw it. I found a crazy person and then I drew it. It was one of my favorites because I enjoyed drawing the facial parts of the teeth, the mouth, the eyes, eyebrows, etc.. The teeth and eyes were the most expressive and fun to draw because I had to exaggerate them.

Art #1

This project we had to make an advertisement for our fake store. My advertisement was about selling sport things like clothing, balls etc. I liked this project because it was fun to think about what store I wanted to make and what I wanted to sell in that store. I choose a sports store because sports are my hobby and I spend a lot of time playing them.

Intramural Basketball

This is me playing intramural basketball. I was playing the maroon team and that was me scoring a basket. I really enjoy playing because it is not that competitive and it is with all my friends.

How is chess similar to war?

Chess is similar to war because you need strategy to win chess and you need strategy to win a war. Pawns are the foot soldiers because they are pretty slow and can’t move very far. They’re also the front lines, so many of them die. The king is similar because he does not move, he just gives commands, which is the same in chess. The knights can jump over people and get to a place faster, so they are the cavalry. The rook was like the person who stood above everybody on the castle, and they could see if there was any trouble. The bishop is the head of some churches, and in medieval times, the church and war are the two most powerful things. The queen can move anywhere and is always moving around; this connects to the Middle Ages because queens would often move around traveling to other castles.

Arms and Armors battle training

Something that I learned is that medieval wars were very slow. There were a lot of waiting around for someone to make the first move. Another thing that I learned is that this is like chess. Something that I would like to change is that I would not attack so much and I would sit back and shoot with my archers for longer. I think that is a better strategy because you will get more people dead and you will lose less people. Something that I thought I did well in was that I sent my Cavalry last when the other team was trying to flee which helped and I killed a lot more people.

Self Portraits

I would like to name this piece of art Self Portraits. I created this work of art by using different materials. I used colored pencils, foam plate printing and oil pastel. Some of the things that I learned while creating it was that I learned new materials that I have never used before. My favorite part was when I made the foam plate printing portrait. I liked it because their was a lot of different parts and I liked how it turned out. If I could change something about it, it would be using one more different material, instead of using colored pencil which I know how to use already. While making it I was surprised that it turned out to be really cool. Something else that I want to share about this artwork is that I really enjoyed making all of the portraits and making this project. This was a really fun project.  
