Category: Bobrowski

Guild Refelection

Last nights guild experience was amazing. I was in the Arms and Armors guild. I loved it because I loved showing off my trebuchet. A lot of people were amazed when it actually shot. I once hit the wall and it was awesome.  Also our guild once had 30 people. I got a little nervous for the first show but all the others I was feeling great and confident. Something that was surprising was how many people were at our knighting ceremony!! I thought it was a great experience to see others peoples guilds. I saw the stonemasons, artisans and butchers bakers candle stick makers. Overall I really enjoyed it!!

Chess playing against each other





When I played chess, something that I did well was when I was in a sticky situation, which happened a few times, I could get out of it. For example, when I was playing Landon, he was about to win, but I got his rook and then I got him into check. However, I realize now that I was kind of just moving pieces just to move pieces, and I sometimes just got lucky. Something that I could work on is having more specific strategies. It is important to have strategies because if your opponent does something, then you have to know exactly what you want to do, and not just for that turn, but you have to think ahead about the next few moves. Overall, though, I think I did really well, and I look forward to getting better.


How is chess similar to war?

Chess is similar to war because you need strategy to win chess and you need strategy to win a war. Pawns are the foot soldiers because they are pretty slow and can’t move very far. They’re also the front lines, so many of them die. The king is similar because he does not move, he just gives commands, which is the same in chess. The knights can jump over people and get to a place faster, so they are the cavalry. The rook was like the person who stood above everybody on the castle, and they could see if there was any trouble. The bishop is the head of some churches, and in medieval times, the church and war are the two most powerful things. The queen can move anywhere and is always moving around; this connects to the Middle Ages because queens would often move around traveling to other castles.

Arms and Armors battle training

Something that I learned is that medieval wars were very slow. There were a lot of waiting around for someone to make the first move. Another thing that I learned is that this is like chess. Something that I would like to change is that I would not attack so much and I would sit back and shoot with my archers for longer. I think that is a better strategy because you will get more people dead and you will lose less people. Something that I thought I did well in was that I sent my Cavalry last when the other team was trying to flee which helped and I killed a lot more people.

All populations have a limit

“All populations have a limit” means that a population can’t continue to grow to infinity. This is because of space, food, housing, money, and everything else that it takes to keep a population healthy and strong.

On the bottom of the graph above, there are numbers which indicate time. It started at 500 BCE to 2025 CE.  On the other side it has numbers of how many people there are in the world. If it continues to increase at the same rate, then there would be too many people and not enough room, which means that there would not be enough food, jobs, housing or money.

If this was a shark population, then the sharks would starve to death. In the experiment we did, if sharks didn’t eat enough minnows, then they would become extinct. Well guess what, that is the same thing that could happen to humans: we will not survive much longer if the population is still going to keep on growing. We have to have a plan.

One idea that might work is that we only allow one kid per family, or we just keep it how it is now and hope for the best. Whatever we do, we will have to figure it out soon. Or else future generations will all die.

Shark Tank Simulation

We did an experiment in science where we went outside and played a simulation. It was a game where there were one shark and four minnows and the rest of the class were seaweed. To survive, the shark has to eat two minnows, and to reproduce, it has to eat  four minnows. The minnows have to eat one seaweed to survive and two seaweed to reproduce.

The first trial was really bad because we had no strategy. The shark died in the first round, same with one minnow. Then two of the three minnows ate way too much. They ate 9 seaweed each, which meant there were a lot more minnows then seaweed. Which meant that in a few rounds, the seaweed would be gone, which meant the minnows have nothing to eat which meant they go extinct.

The top image below shows the line graph of the bad run.

Then we figured out a strategy where the shark only ate 2 minnows and the minnows only ate 2 seaweed. We kept on doing that and we did really well. We ended with over 90 seaweed and 2 sharks and 8 minnows. We could do that forever and have over 1000 of each thing.

The bottom image below shows the line graph of the good run.

This teaches us that it is important to for each species to have enough to eat, and have a good balance between the numbers of them. That way, the cycle can just keep going without one of the species going extinct.