Art Sketchbook Post #1 (Crust Bridge)

This is my weekly drawing for the “Crust Bridge” assignment. It is my favorite sketchbook drawing because it actually has a story behind it. I will tell it to you now…

A long time ago, in a land far far away… there lived a troll. Now this troll was, as every troll is, a bridgekeeper. He lived under his bridge in harmony with the creatures of the pond. Every once in a while, humans would drop breadcrumbs for the ducks in the pond. As everyone knows ducks HATE bread crusts, so the ducks always give the lowly troll their bread crusts. The normal troll diet consists of lamb, escargot, and cress but, this was a rare vegetarian troll. So, this troll lives off of bread crusts and the occasional cress salad.

Arizona & Minnesota

 After winter break this year I got gerbils from Dan! Their names are Arizona and Minnesota. I named Arizona because of the sandy orange color on her back. I named Minnesota because I just like the name Minnesota. They are so cute and I love them!