Zika problem In Miami News Article

Miami Beach is having a problem with the Zika virus. Citizens who live in the area are frustrated about the chemical Naled that the city is using to try to prevent the virus from spreading. They are concerned for many reasons including that it might be bad for people’s health and is killing bees and fish and birds. Some counties in the area are protesting the usage of Naled because they don’t think the problem is that bad. On the other hand, some people think that Zika is a very big deal and needs to be handled in the most effective way.

I understand both sides of the story but I agree more with the city’s policy of using the strongest chemicals to fight this horrible virus from spreading. I understand that there is a downside to using Nalad because they haven’t figured out just how bad it could be for humans and the environment. I do think they should explore new ways that may be safer for the citizens of Miami and the environment, but for now they must do as much as they can.

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